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Lady Shortstuff

Dear Diary,

Today is Halloween in the castle. I have been working most of the day to get everything ready for the young pages and squires, in the Great Hall tonight. We shall have a large feast and some special desserts made by the "cook." Hopefully everyone will enjoy themselves starting this afternoon.

Tommorrow everyone shall return to normal, and have their regular lessons of reading and writing. Also, all shall practice their jousting skills in the courtyard!
(Added November 2003)

Charlotte, 11, Rockwell, NC, USA

Lady Chellbel

Today is April 3. It is a very cold and wet day, the queen stares out of the keep, longing for the chance to go out side and frolick about. She wants to tend to her garden and take a stroll in the court yard. I am just sitting here watching the tiny rain drops trickle from the sky. Oh what a boring day. (Added November 2003)

Julianna, 11, Salisbury, NC, USA

Sir Josh of Joshinberg

Today I practiced jousting and I unhorsed Sir Micheal and Sir Nicholas. So what a happy day for me.

December 2003

Joshua, 11, Granite Quarry, USA

Princess Tiffany

Today I have an apointment with the king, (my Father) I don't get to see him very much and I know it sounds strange but he is a very busy man.
I love him very much, and today we are talking about my schooling, I have been having tutoring from the royal tutor, since I was 5 and now that I am 13 I would love to go to the school next door to the castle, it is called The Royal King Henry Private Grammer School. Ok I have to go now for my meeting I hope all goes well and will write again soon.

Princess Tiffany
(Added November 2003)

Tiffany, 13, Wollongong, Australia

Lady Samantha de' Harkey

Dear Diary,
Today I woke up and I was freezing cold!!!! My servant must not have put more logs in my fireplace. When I went to wash my face my water was frozen! I can't believe this castle!!! So cold, old, and beauitful at the same time! Well I must go tell my servant to get more logs! Burrrrrrr! (Added November 2003)

Samantha, 11, Rockwell, USA

Elizabeth the Falconer's daughter

I got up with my father this morning to take the falcons for training. We hunted rabbits and squirrels. We must work with the youngest bird, as she is very feisty and not yet ready for hunting. I beg father for the chance to train her myself, and show him I can follow and maintain the family's traditions for I have no brother to carry on.
(Added November 2003)

Jessica, 12, Las Vega, USA

Knight Romma

Dear diary,
Today is the tournament I am scared since I am Sir Romma the best lancer in the castle and I am against Sir George1. There are a lot of stalls and big tents. There is sometimes killing OW!!!! That is going to hurt - Sir Benny just got hit and backflipped off his horse.

It's my turn. I have a pavon on my lance. Very heavy armour and 2 out of 3 white flags. Now CHARGE!! SMASH flag number 3 for me I win. I win Sir George. I am holding my Coat of Arms proudly in the air as I am walking back to my castleĀ….
(Added November 2003)

Joe, 9, Shropshire, UK

Lady Sophia

Dear Diary,
It was really scary today, as I woke up I saw a rat run from under my bed.I had a proper look and I saw a massive nest of them. And if that wasn't enough, about 3ish I heard a scream, then the attic door creaked. I was so scared that I put my head under the covers and hoped it would go away!

After a while I decided to get up to investigate. My legs were shaking but I crept forward and slowly opened my bedroom door. I looked out and the hallway was in darkness I looked upwards and saw something white in the distance. Could it be a ghost? Where had the rat gone to? It could be nibbling my toes any minute! I sneaked closer to get a better look of the white thing. Then I saw it disappear.

Later on in the evening we had a banquet and invited all our friends and family. For tea we had pheasant and vegetables with all the red wine you could drink. All of a sudden I saw the rat again taking food from other people's plates.After lunch there was entertainment which included jugglers and musicians. That went on for about an hour and then everybody went home.

It was about 7ish when the banquet had finished and I came to my room to get an early night ready for the ball and tournament tommorrow.

Goodbye for now

Lady Sophia.
(Added November 2003)

Sophie, 10, Shrewsbury, England

Jane wood

Monday 8th April

My day starts like this it's very chilly cold and frosty and everything was covered in frost I thought this would have to happen on the day I am meant to meet my friends to go to town, but any way I am sure she'll be OK about it we can just sit and watch a DVD in my room.

Any way my friend was OK about not going into town we have made other arrangements we ended up watching the sweetest thing we really enjoyed it we chilled out with our pop corn and milk shake.

It is now 9:30 I am about to get in bed but just before I nod off I would just like to say thank you for reading a day in my diary.
Jane Wood
(Added November 2003)

Jody, 11, England

Sir Gwain

Today I was outside and when I looked at the hills, I saw the enemy coming. From the castle wall, a metal arrow went sailing toward the enemies, many more followed. I looked for a place to take cover--all I found was a wooden sheild floating in the moat. So I picked it up and hit the enemy over the head with it.
I heard a loud noise at the side of the castle and when I looked around I saw the King and his knights pushing the catapult into place. They had pots full of spiders, bones, and bats to launch at the enemies. After three hours of battling, the enemies retreated.
Even though we were all very tired, we went to the great hall for a feast and celebration of our victory.
(Added November 2003)

Keeley, 6, Indiana, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011