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Alberto Manure

I wake up and smell the cow manure. It's the most beautiful smell in the castle right next to the dog, cat, hawk, and horse manure. My job is to shove all the poop out of the stalls. I think it's the best job in the world and the king pays me to do it.

The only bad thing is that the king won't let me in the castle.

December 2003

Austyn, 12, Wellington, KS, USA


Today I had breakfast with my father after his return from battle. He has a fair few wounds, one on his back from a sword and also one in his leg, which means he can not walk very good. At dinner my mother joined us she is thoroughly pleased to have my father back with us. Once we had eaten dinner my mother and father went for a stroll around the castle. When it came to my bed time both my mother and my father came to tuck me in. I love them both so much!!
(Added November 2003)

Sinead, 12, Preston, England

Princess Sheila

31st August 2003

Today it was a very exciting day. I woke up late as usual. My steward, Sadie, who is a very nice person and waits on me from head to foot had gone to see her mother for she was very ill. So I was late for the meeting which is held every Thursday . In this meeting my mother and father, Queen Ann-Marie and King Tonio get some people to discuss the plans for our country. I get bored listening to the adults talk about that and the other.

After the meeting which seemed to last for hours I went in the garden to play with my brother Prince Ryan who lucky as he is hasn`t got to attend the meetings as he is still young to understand the adults (although even I don`t understand political science sometimes).

There I saw the postman and he put something in the letter box. It looked like my exam results. I ran to the letter box. I tripped in my skirt and fell on the ground. But in my excitement I got up again and went to the letter box (safely this time). The result said that I came first from school. I was very excited to tell my mother and father. They rejoiced as much as I did but they didn`t ask me if I wanted anything as much as I would have liked a pair of roller skates.

The afternoon came and Sadie returned. She had good news because her mother was better. But when I was going to tell her about the results she said that she had a lot to do.

Then a friend of mine came for me and told me to put on a nice dress for we were going to one of her friend`s party. All this was true and after we did half an hour driving, we returned to my house for my friend said that we were still very early.When we opened the door of the hall all was dark and at once a lot of people jumped from behind things. At once I knew it was a surprise party because I came first from school.

It was a very exciting day and I hope I have a lot like it.

Princess Sheila
(Added November 2003)

Kirsty, 10, Mosta, Malta

Lady Emily

Dear diary,

Today my dad left to go somewhere far far away with the king and some of the knights, pages and squires.

Since the pages and squires left for awhile I'm suppose to take care of the horses. Emma the cook, otherwise known as my best friend, said she would help me.

The men left early this morning. They took the best horses. After breakfest me and Emma went to the stables. We were told to take the horses out to the fields. So we did.

Once the horses were safely in the field we had to clean the tack, get the food ready for when it was feeding time, and worst of all we had clean the horses stalls. Once all that was done we had to bring in the horses and brush them.

Then we could ride them. I rode Starlight the smallest horse. Starlight is all white. Emma decided to ride Dancer the tallest horse.

After our ride it was feeding time. That took a long time to get done. When we were done Emma had to go help get ready for dinner and I had to go help mom with the castle chores.

We had a delicous dinner and now I have to go to bed.

December 2003

Emily, 9, Toronto Canada

Lady Marie

Today was a very busy day. I had three meetings. One with the royal court, another with the cooking staff, and finally one with Fredricka, the grand duchess.

My husband, Lord Drouw, has taken his horse for a trip today, and still hasn't come back.

Well, diary maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

December 2003

Rebecca, 10, Bloomsburg, USA

sir William de Blyth

Today in the morning I did jousting practice. My opponent was my dad. I then went to try on a new set of armour which is being specially made for me. After that I went hunting in the forest on my lands. (Added November 2003)

George, 6, Blyth, England

Sir Jedring

There was a grand tournament today at Lord Sherwood's castle in honor of his lady. As I am a guest from Nottingham, I got to sleep in the massive Great Hall. It was freezing in there and not only that, but I had to share accommodations with so many other knights. No matter, though; I fell asleep quite easily.

Then, before the parish rooster could crow, my squire Francis roused me. He was all jumpy and said the tournament was to be held at noon. I ate breakfast in the Great Hall. It was merely eggs, white bread, and milk. Oh, yummy. After I had my fair fillings, Francis and his younger brother, the page Harold, led me out on the castle grounds to the many colorful tents that the knights prepared themselves in. Mine was red and yellow, and as soon as I got in, Francis and Harold began putting my armor on for me.

It was only a few minutes before the first joust. I was very nervous and shaking in my spurs. Francis told me to calm down and said I'd do fine, but I was against the rotten Sir Sumbrey of Yorkshire. I envy him because he is so good. It was a hot day and I wanted to throw off my armor and run away, but I stayed mounted on my horse until the herald shouted my name.

To me, the joust occurred in slow motion. I rode forward, poising to strike Sir Sumbrey and knock him off. Before I could realize a thing (I was thinking of my Lady Gloria back home) I was soaring through the air, my splintered lance still in my hand. I saw my horse still galloping and Sir Sumbrey standing over me, laughing. I landed in a pile of mud and was there and then forced to either give up my horse and spurs or pay the man off. I did the latter. Never, by Saint George, would I let that filthy man touch my armor.

I watched other knights compete in bouts of archery and even a certain swordfight. Poor Sir Codriham had it worse than I did. He was carried off to the castle doctor. Well, at least I beat the wretched Sir Sumbrey at archery. The fool could never aim his arrows straight. They struck the side of some other knight's tent. Ha, ha! I had the final laugh! Unfortunately, he socked me in the face and my nose bled.

The tournament was over, finally, and I was dog tired. I was so sleepy, I drank only wine and hardly touched my lavish dinner that the lord generously served. Well, the day is over and I am to set out again on my way, and only God knows where I am going.
(Added November 2003)

John, 12, New York, USA

Lady Elizabeth

Today we had a feast in the great hall. A jester told us lots of jokes, it was really funny. Also in the great hall there were musicians called minstrels and they played and also sang some of my favourite songs. I had a great evening. (Added November 2003)

Alice, 6, Warfield, England


It's a lovely day today. The sun is shining over the castle and the birds are singing. There is a tournament later today. I hope to go and watch with my aunty, Lady Sherwood. Later I have a lesson with John, the priest. He says I am getting very good with my writing. I have been practising. Well I must go, I think I hear Lady Sherwood calling me for breakfast. (Added November 2003)

Stephanie, 14, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Knight--Sir Nicholonius

Tuesday July 30, 1418

I am employed in the castle of Lord Beasley. Our good King Eric is being pursued by the evil villain Lord Victor. Our King is seeking asylum here with-in our walls. Despite the heat, my job is to guard the castle walls and keep a sharp eye out for intruders.

In this heat, my armor feels very heavy and I am very hot. Never-the-less, I am loyal to the cause and to our good king. To help keep cool, my delightful young squire, Ian was sent many times to the ice house to retrieve cool drinks for me. He will make a fine knight one day.

In the middle of a long cool sip, I saw something on the horizon. Was it friend or foe? Fortunately, I could tell from his coat of arms, that he was Lord Chase. Another defender of the cause. He was appointed to deliver an important message.

Immediately, I brought the message to Lord Beasley. We agreed that King Eric should be notified right away. It is even in his best interest to go into hiding.

What was the important message? "The king's castle has been pillaged and destroyed. There were too many attackers for the knights to fight. You are in grave danger, the band of attackers, led by Lord Victor, are on their way to Lord Beasley's."

The King wanted to know where the best hiding places were, as he was unfamiliar with this area. My job was to escort the king to the most unusual, and best fortified hiding area we knew of.

We waited until dusk, and slipped out under the cover of night.

It was a very exciting day.
(Added November 2003)

Nicholas, 8, Sanford, FL, USA

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