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I woke up to a loud bell telling me I had to go down to the store room to collect my breakfast before I did the chores.

When I went down there was a man at the door who looked strangely like my father, who I was told by my mother had passed away 5 years ago that day.

Oddly, my mother was sitting at our old wooden kitchen table crying with her hands to her face. When one of the other maids came in her face turned as white as a sheet and all of a sudden there was a crashing noise. She had dropped all of her trays. All of the crockery smashed to pieces and my mother began to cry even more.

I ran out of the room in surprise still wondering who this strange old man could be . . . .

December 2003

Amy, 12, Wolverhampton, England

Lady Emily

Dear diary

My mom is planning a party for my brother squire Sam, because he is coming back from war with Sir Jim my dad. I can't wait to see my dad but I'm not as excited to see Sam. Moms party planning is awful. The castle is looking worse then how it was before the planning began. The party is tomorrow. I don't know how she's going to do it. I must go, my mother is calling and Lauren my friend needs me to help her wash the horses and dogs. And me a lady! I thought pages were suppose to do that. Must go.

Dear diary

My brother and dad are back alive but sadly Sir Jack is not. The first thing we saw when they entered the castle was three men carrying a cofin on top of their heads. Sir Jack was in that coffin. The party will not be happening, instead we are going to have a funerel for Sir Jack. But we are going to have some guests over for that. Sam is going to become a knight in a few days. Why it is happening so soon is because we need someone immediately to take Sir Jack's place. I must get dressed for the funerel now.

December 2003

Emily, 9, Toronto, Canada

Squire Emily.

Dear Diary,
Today I became a squire. I start my job well I should be starting it now but I'm writing in my diary right now instead. I get to look after the horses and all which is perfect. What am I saying it is perfect except for one tiny detail. The knight I have to look after is my mean older brother Sam. He is 16 and I am 12 turning 13 tomorrow. I must go now my knight is calling.

Dear Diary
It might be hard to write in the dark but I'm not doing too bad. The last time I wrote was this afternoon. Well it's the knight. When Sam called me earlier today he wanted me to get his horse Starlight. He's a pure white stallion. You would probley think he is a well mannered stallion. Well if thatÂ’s what you think your wrong. He's a stubbern misbahved beautiful stallion. Starlight was in the field. So I did what I was told. I put Starlight in his stall. Then Sam told me to wash Starlights tack. So I did. That was noo problem. When I was on the last saddle I heard a weird sound coming from Starlights stall. I ran to see what it was. I looked in Starlights stall. There was the cutiest baby cat. Starlight got scared by a kitten. So I put the kitten in my room and left it there. I finished the tack and then I headed off to the kitchen. I asked a cook if they had any milk. They gave me a countainer of milk. I asked if they could put it in the bowl she looked at me weirdly and got me milk in a bowl. I thanked her and headed to my room. The kitten wasn't there. I was sure I would have a panic attak but I didn't. I looked all over the castle but I couldn't find the kitten anywhere. After a hour of looking I headed back to my room. When I entered the room there was the black and white kitten sitting infront of the door. And beside her was a black and white puppy. Now I have a kitten and a puppy. I must go to bed now I have a big day tomorrow. I'm turning 13!! I wonder if Sam will give me a gift. I guess I wont find out until tomorrow.
(Added November 2003)

Emily, 9, Canada, Oakville

Princess Lauren

July 7 1514

Dear Diary,
Today was my twin sister, Princess Lauren, and my birthday. I got a long silk dress that was green and gold. I gave her the same thing, but I gave her a red and gold one. Well, I'm about to get some sleep, but I'm going to sneak out, and take a walk. Uh Oh, My mother just came in. She said that she heard me writing, I tell you, she has hearing like a bat!!! Well, now she is reading over my shoulder, and is very mad at me, she also said "Proper girls shouldn't be writing in silly diaries!" Well I'll write again tomorrow. Bye!

July 8 1514
Dear Diary
I forgot to tell you, but I'm 14. As you know when you're 14, you must be married! Today a man came to see me. He was the lord of a town that I have never heard of, and boy was he an ugly 15 year old. Than he asked for my hand, and when I was about to say "don't you dare show your ugly face here and NO!" Then my father showed up and said "YES Lauren would love to marry you!"
"FATHER, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked my father at dinner. "Well Beth is getting married to that Knight. "A KNIGHT" she yelled running up to her room.

July 9 1514

Dear Diary
I am getting married in 1 week!

December 2003

Beth, 10, Oakville, Canada

Princess Beth

Friday July 7 1514
Dear Diary,

Today was my twin sister, Princess Beth, and my birthday. I gave her a long silk dress that was green and gold. She gave me the same thing except mine was red and gold.

My father and mother bought me a beautiful horse. I named it Friday because that is the day of today, MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

My other sister, Princess Issabella gave me a gold necklace with silver diamonds on it. My older brother, Prince Lancelot, gave me an old crown from my grandmother. Goodbye loyal diary.

Saturday July 8 1514

Yesterday I turned 14.

So, today along came a knight in shining armor.He is 17. He asked for my hand in marrage. But, before I said yes I made him take his helmet off. I saw a frendly, kind face staring at me. I thought for a minute, then said "yes!"

Sunday July 9 1514

Today I got married. I enjoyed it. And I decided that I trusted the knight. His name is Sir John.

December 2003

Lauren, 10, Oakville, Ontario Canada

Serf Beth

Dear Diary,

It was a day like any other day. I am a homeless serf. First let me tell you about myself. I found this diary in the sandwich I made out of trash I found in lord Robin Hodd's garbage, and some of the stuff I stole from the rich Serfs.

Anyway, like any other day I was looking for trash in the stables, when lady Mary, and her baby saw me, and then they did such a rude thing. Lady Mary covered her baby's eyes at the sight of me, and ran away yelling "Save the children, save the children!!!!!".

Well, that was dandy and all, but I thought it was sooooooo rude, that I ran after her throwing grass at her. Then it got boring, so I left. Just then, I made myself a new name! HOBO! I think it's a really groovy name, and that soon, maybe in the time with flying pigs, it will be a popular name! Then that day ended almost like any other day.

December 2003

Beth, 10, Oakville, Canada

January 6, 1498

I found a dog beside the Hawks and Falcons.
The dog was cold and lonely.
I gave him some food,after a walk.
The dog felt very happy and healthy.
(Added November 2003)

David, 9, Montreal, Canada


Today was absolutely freezing! I woke up and immediately called for a servant to relight the fire that had gone out in the night. Elizabeth, my serving maid had fallen ill, and could not help me this morning. I went to the Great Hall to eat, and then I had lessons in sewing, reading, writing, history and grammar. After that were etiquette lessons, which I despise!!! However, it is a good thing Father believes women should have some education, otherwise I would starve for knowledge!!

Well, I'm off to see Mother. She probably has found another suitor for me to look at! I know girls my age and younger are usually married by now, but I just don't feel ready...

I'll write soon!


Lady Virgina Weasley

December 2003

Ginny, 14, Ottery St. Catchpole, England


In the morning, it was so cold that my water was frozen! I had to crack it. After a cold breakfast, I went to my embroidery lessons with Mistress Lucy and kept pricking my finger. I was so jealous, all the other girls were perfect.

The king went out hunting after lunch(which was cold ham) so I helped tidy up the appartments. It soon got dark and at supper we could hardly see our food if it weren't for the flame torches. I hardly saw anything of the pages and squires today. What a shame!

That is all that happened to me today, diary. Until next time.
(Added November 2003)

Lisa, 9, Leicester, England

Princess Michaela

May 6,1488,7:00,P.M.

Dear Diary,
I am glad I am a princess, bet sometimes I get tired of all the royalty.

My favorite type of animal is the dog. Last week I saved a dog's life! This is How:My father does not like dogs and he says they are pests. We were outside in the royal garden and a poor lonely dog had got in through the fence. My father was out and when he saw the dog he was so mad he wanted a solider shoot him! I was terrified! But thankfully the dog was not hit by the arrow, for the solider that came to father's command was a not very skilled solider. I took the dog to my chamber, fed him and cleaned him. He looked much better. I named him Arrows, and I loved him. I taught Arrows to be a hunting dog and because my father loved me he let me keep him. I will always love Arrows.

I had a scary day last week, but I am glad I saved Arrows' life. I will tell a secret, I think my father loves him too.

(Added November 2003)

Michaela H., 9, Sumner, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011