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Lady McKinnon

June 1st. 1365.

Why do the Scots all have to be so stubburn! They are unmovable. Unbending. My arrogant stubborn minded husband still refuses me the freedom to go visit my new clan. They are my new family now, after all. Why wont he let me get acquainted with the women of the clan? I know that most of the clan dispises me because I am English, but I am so alone here. I need someone to talk to. At times I wish that my lady's maid was here with me.

Laird Mckinnon, my husband, is trying to be nice to me, but he is being too nice. I can't even move to another room in this Keep without his guards following me. Why does he protect me so? What does he fear will happen to me? Good lord, so many questions and so little answers.

I know the rumour in England about the blackness of McKinnon's soul. They say that he killed his first wife after she bore him a son. Pushed her out the window. But since I have been here he has been overly protective, and has been treating me with love and kindness. I wish he would open up to me and tell me what he is trying so hard not to. I know that the rummor of him killing his first wife has to be false. He doesn’t seem the type to do a black deed as that to a woman.

I hope that someday I can win over his trust so he will open up to me. When I look into his brown eyes, there seems to be a distance in them, like something horrid happened to him. But yet I don’t know what. At times I think that maybe he never wanted another wife. Esp. an English one like me. But the Kings of Scotland and England both decided for my father to barter one of his daughters to a marriage for more land in Scotland.

Why did my father barter me off? His youngest? I am not even ten and seven yet!

I admore the Mckinnon's little son. He is adorable. Though he doesn't have much manners. Like the rest of the Scots. Every night before he goes to bed he always askes me if I'll sing to him. So I do. I fear I am starting to love the child like a mother. But I don't know much about children. I will have to learn.

July 21st.

I finally won more freedom here in this place. I think that Iain is finally bending. He still hasn't told me what is paining him. Iain placed a heavy guard with me now. I think someone is trying to kill me. The taster of my meals died a bit after he had tried my plate. Poison. Why would someone want to kill me for? What am I in the way of?

I know now that I love the McKinnon more then life itself. I am learning more about him everyday. So much pain in his life. Makes me want to weep when I think about it. Grew up never knowing his mother because she died birthing him into this dishevelled world of war and feuding. Then since she died while in labor they buried her in the unholy ground saying that she was not clean to be buried in holy ground. That is cold hearted of the priests and church sacraments in this land. Then having his Father die when Iain was 17, making him a very young laird. He has been through a scared past. But I don’t think that is Haunting him.

August 10th.

I know now that my love's first wife wasn’t murdered. So the black marks against my husband are false. He finally told me. And I hurt for him. He told me that she despised him fully. And that right after she had their son she deprived him of seeing his son at first. Then she all of a sudden wants him to come up. The maid placed their son Malcolm into his hands, and that's when she jumped out the window. Killing her own self.

I think now that he told me that, I think that he might think I will hate him also. But I never will. Heck! I might just love him even more than I do now, if it is possible. I just hope with time he will love me as I love him.
(Added November 2003)

Krista, 16, Pine Bluff, Arkansas, USA

Dame Vicky, Blue-Eyed Slayer

Today I fought another Welsh army. I rode up to the mangy battle on my jet-black stallion, Kesfin. In a total, I'd say I slayed at least 300 Welsh warriors. It never gets old, fighting for His Majesty, the King Dean IV. However, even fighters such as I are not invincible, no matter what he says. I have a small wound in my side, and my blue and black tunic is getting terribly stained.
I hate how the ladies at the castle gossip about me. They say women are women and knights are men. What do they know?!
(Added November 2003)

Sara, 12, USA

Lady Ashley

One sunny day I was walking down the little path. Boy I enjoyed the beautiful birds singing.As I was getting further it started to look very beautiful. "Ever Beautiful." Oh my goodness this a beautiful city! I started to pick some flowers they smelt nice. Then I walked all the way back to my castle. (Added November 2003)

Ashley, 10, Sault Ste.Marie, Canada

Princess Sparkles

Today it was very cold and windy but I survived through the day earning some money by opening and closing the drawbridge. I earned 5 shillings. My father is getting better as the days go on as he isnt very well he has some kind of disease but I don’t know what it is called.i do hope he is able to take me out on day trips soon. The last time he did I must have been about 9 but ia am now 12. That’s how long he has been ill for.
Lots of love
Princess Sparkles
(Added October 2003)

Berry, 12, Liverpool, UK

Princess Caroline

Dear Diary,

Today it was so warm that I felt like I was melting! I came to the thought that I could go for swim. But it was forbidden by father.

But who cares about rules when you're a princess, right? Apparently, father thought differently. Anyway, as I was in the middle of a dive, father came over with the angriest look on his face that I had ever seen. Beside him were two young men. One looked just as angry as father, while the other was looking as if he was trying to hide laughter.

I immediately knew they were suiters for me. How could I forget! Father has spent the last 5 days reminding me how to act in front of them.

I'll write later so you'll know how supper went.

December 2003

Laura, 10, Paris, France

Princess Ali

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is the day when all the squires become knights. I can't wait! The King believes that all of the squires are worthy, but I do not.The young black squire is always causing grief and will make a terrible knight.I surely do hope that the black knight does not make a mess of the tournament. The tournament is in a week. Wait a minute, if the tournament is in a week, then I better get thinking about which knight that I will be cheering for. (Added October 2003)

Tia, 8, London, England

Air Rise

I am a prisoner in the dungeon and I am trying to escape. But every time I try, I can't escape. This time I have a plan that might let me escape without getting caught. When the guard comes to bring me my food, I will tell him that someone is trying to get in through the window. He will go to look and I will hit him over the head with the broom stick. Then I will take his clothes and wear them and sneak out of the castle. That is how I plan to escape. (Added October 2003)

Jeremiah, 10, USA

Enid in Henry's Castle

Oh no we are under attack.
Lord Connelly s daughter Majella is after being kidnapped by the opposite side. They told the lord that if they didn't give up the castle that they would kill her.
The lord is in an awful state I have had to look after the lord and the lady of the house all day.
Oh no I hear footsteps. (Added October 2003)

Enid, 9, Charleville, Ireland

My name is Miss Nicole.

Dear Diary, 5-5-03

Today was wonderful I walked through the gardens with a young boy (I think he was a prince). We had so much fun with hours of talking and he gave me a tour through the castle and it is so large! After that we walked through the Great Hall and had a wonderful feast. It was such a lovely day I wish I didn't have to go home so soon! Well I must pack.
(Added October 2003)

Nicole, 12, South Amboy, USA

Queen Gwenevere

Dear diary,

Today I went to a tournament. It was so much fun! I was cheering for the knight named David, but he sadly lost the joust. The knight named Andrew won.

The bad thing about today, was what happened after the tournament. Father called me to his chambers to discuss something important. I was worried that I had done something wrong. But it was the opposite of what I expected. He was very pleased with my
behaviour and thought I was ready for marriage. He is already planning the wedding!

The man that he has chosen is 10 years older than me, not to mention the ugliness of him. I know he
can not help it, but I would have prepared better.

Good night, Diary.

December 2003

Muggo, 9, Canada

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