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Sir Nite

July 4

Today was horrible.
Fireworks going off all over the place.
I couldn't even take a nap.
Horses scared out of their wits, running around the castle.
I couldn't keep them under control.

But it wasn't all bad.
The jousting tournament was today.
Guess what?
Now that I just wrote that, I feel so happy.
I went up against Sir Cadigan.
It was a brilliant fight.
The croud was cheering Sir Cadigan, but when I won they changed their minds.

It's time for me to go to the lookout tower.
Write to you later.
Good night, Diary.
(Added October 2003)

Timothy, 14, Fort Myers, USA

John Attwood

Today we are having a grand feast in the name of St. James. Every one will be invited even those rotten peasants that keep begging for food. The king in all his glory will be arriving at noon today.

All of the king's best and hardest working maidens have just arrived and are scurrying all around cleaning up for the feast. The feast will be as great as when we deafeated Normandy.
(Added October 2003)

Cory, 12, W. Stockholm, NY, USA


I have had an absolutely exausting day so far. I woke up or rather was woken up by the mistress' baby screaming its head off for a new swaddling. After I had dealt with the baby I went round the castle lighting the fires, for it was bitterly cold during the night. Ms Louisa has caught a dreadful cold because of all the windows in her room and I have to nurse her in my spare time and I'm not even being paid a shilling extra ! (Added October 2003)

Jenny, 12, Wokingham, England

Princess Maria

I awoke and dressed, then went to the banquet hall to have breakfast. I ate quckly so I could find my friend, Flare the dragon, in the forest. We flew around the Kingdom, only to be yelled at by Mother for going out without permission.

I said goodbye to Flare, went inside for lunch, asked permission to go outside and left. I played with Flare and Prince Duke, ate a picnic dinner, caught fireflies for a lantern and went to bed. (Phew! Long day, huh!) (Added October 2003)

Erin, 9, Williamston, MI, USA


Dear Diary,

Today was horrible. Seeing the people dying in the dungeons. It was so cruel.

My horse is fine. Helen is fit and well.

The battle has shocked the whole castle, but we survived. Through the whole battle I was cooped up in the tower. Shockingly someone tried to come up my loo. But I showed him. I got some boiling hot water and burned his face.

November 2003

Helen, 11, Darlington, England


April 8, 1486,
I was gardening outside when a storm came up. I ran to my parents and said, "It's storming and I won't be able to plant my beautiful flowers and delicious tomatoes". "It won't storm long" assured my parents. When the storm was over, the ground was nice and soft which made good soil. I sure hope my plantings will grow nice and tall and full of red, ripe, juicy tomatoes. (Added October 2003)

Maya, 8, Tucson, USA


May 3,1480
Today we took baths for the first time in many months. It took half the day JUST for the servants to carry the water to the bath tub. I took my bath fifth, the servants last, and the highest ranking nobles first.

After I took my bath, I spent time with my best friend George. We always have the best time together! I wanted to go to the garden, the flowers are sooo beautiful this time of year, so we walked down to the garden. On the way, George pointed out some Knights jousting. Sometimes I wish I were able to become a knight. I would just love to be able to come home a winner after a long battle. I know George doesn't want to become a knight, but he also doesn't want to disapoint his father either.

The roses are my favorite flower, and when we arrived at the garden, there were pink roses, my favorite kind of roses! I ordered a nearby servant to pink several bouquets and put them around my apartments. Now I can enjoy the beautiful flowers of spring in my dull apartments!
(Added October 2003)

Christine, 12, Missouri, USA

Lady Alice

This morning I was woken by the sound of clapping. I realized what was going on. It was the jousting compotition today so I got my maid to help me get dressed quickly to watch.
Red against blue, when I got there the man in the blue suit was lying on the ground injured. I saw one of the spectators run towards me, I wondered why! She came over and said "Lady Alice, I have bad news for you, that is your husband injured" I rushed over to him. He had a broken neck! He was unlikely to survive. (Added October 2003)

Alice, 9, Stirling , Scotland

Lady Lily

Friday April 22, 1480

I am so excited I can't hardly write. Tomorrow is my 11th birthday! This afternoon my Ladies-In-Waiting had me fitted for a mew gown for the tournament and banquet tomorrow evening. It is so beautiful. The dress is a light pink.

When I was done getting fitted Father insisted that I have my lessons as always, which makes no sense to me. It is not like I will ever have to use the things I learn in my lessons ever again. But, Madamoiselle Kline told me that if I don't start paying attention I will as she put it, "Never be a suitable wife, that is if I ever find someone that would want to marry me." Why would I ever think about getting married now? I won't be getting married for at least a year! Sorry I have to go: Father is coming.
(Added October 2003)

Breanne, 12, St. Louis, USA


This morning when I woke up it was very cold and dark. I thought I had waken up in the middle of the night and I went to get another blanket and went back to bed. About an hour later, Lucy the maid came in to wake me up. Today was my day to bathe, so I got into the tub of ice-cold water and washed as fast as I could. I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast and father told me that he had found me a husband and I was to be wed in a couple months. I was astonished.

Later that day they were having a jousting tournament and I met my husband-to-be. He was very nice and very handsome. His father was the sheriff of the next town, and that's how my father had met him. We had a lot in common, and I was happy, and I knew that my my father happy too. The tournament seemed to last longer than usual. I got there about noon, and it was over with at seven. By that time it had started to rain very hard with a hint of thunder in the air. I decided to go in. I ate an extremely large dinner with my father and some of his friends. I went to bed early, but I couldn't sleep. Finally, the rain stopped and I fell asleep. I had a very busy day, but it was fun and full of surprises.(Added October 2003)

Kelsey, 12, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011