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When I woke up this morning it was freezing. My whole room was completely cold. I wanted to wash up today becouse it has been at least a month since I have washed up. When I looked out my window the creek was practically frozen!! So I decided not to wash up and go down stairs and ask Mary (the maid) to make me something for breakfast. When my dad came down stairs and told me that he was going out for battle. I asked him why but he said I was to young to understand and that he would tell me when I got older. (Added October 2003)

Ashlie , 13, Missouri, USA


Friday, April 4th, 1480

Today was wonderful. To start off, my chambermaid dressed me and I walked to the Great Hall for my breakfast of poached eggs and fruit. After breakfast I attended my french classes with Mademoiselle Feau. She says I am progressing quickly.

After the tournament I went up to the Great hall for a banquet my father was hosting for my birthday. I am fourteen, and father says there are many suitors calling. He has promised me to one of them, but he will not reveal who. Many of the men at the banquet were handsome and respectable. Some of them seemed to be quite older than me. I hope father has chosen wisely.

Now I sit in my chambers writing by candlelight, wishing for the best.(Added October 2003)

Rachel, 12, St. Louis, USA

Sarah Bozzay

April 4th 1480,
Last night there was an enormous feast in honor of my uncle. It was simply fabulous! The tables were pilled high with food. The dancing and the music was beautiful!

However, today the castle is a mess! Food scrapes and broken dishes litter the ground. So, of course rats and insects are all over the Great Hall. I try to avoid that room or at least until the servants get it cleaned up. (Added October 2003)

Sarah, 12, St.Louis, MO, USA

Brittany Simpson

Today is Friday March 4, 1643.
Today I met a girl named Lucy. She is very nice and fun. Times are still really bad right now but it is nice to meet someone new. I met her at the river washing my clothes. We decided we should wash clothes everytime together. We both have husbands that are gone all the time too. I really like her.

It is getting colder and colder each day. I already miss it being warm. When it gets cold here there is usally ice and it makes everything a lot harder. Last winter we couldn't even get out of our houses. Well I have more work to do so I will write more later.
Goodbye Diary, Brittany
(Added October 2003)

Brittany, 13, MO, USA

Sir Nart

I woke up this morning with a huge shock to see that the castle was under attack. Many men had already died. Most of the women and children were most likely already going through the secret passage that my men and I had dug a year or two ago exactly for this purpose. But they must have left at least 3 hours ago. I have to catch up. Lucky most of the horses were left here. I can easily catch up to them on a horse.

I just found the group. Almost everyone there is ok.

It's time to go to sleep now. I should be ok. I just hope tomorrow will be a better day. (Added October 2003)

Vinh Tran, 12, Saint Louis, MO, USA


April 4, 1480
Today was a very nice day. For breakfast we had cold rabbit pie and cheese. Even though I do not enjoy rabbit pie I ate it anyway. Also my dress maker fitted my new dress for the banquet. It is purple silk with lots of jewels all over it. I am very excited.
My new tutor arrived his name is William Jefferys. He will teach me latin, mathematics,and grammar. I am not looking forward to Latin because it seems very difficult. I am being called to court.
Well, see you tomorrow
(Added October 2003)

Portia, 13, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Kelly the Great

June 2nd, 1465

Today is my birthday! I'm turning 12 and my dad wants me to marry the prince of the next kingdom over, Prince Sabastian. Uncle Lord Sherwood is coming to see me. The cooks are bakeing me a giant cake. I hope it's chocolate!

Since this is my last page I want a diary for my birthday present but I know paper is hard to come by.

It's a lovely day outside. The sun is shining and there are no clouds. My dad should be returning home today from his travels, I can't wait to see him. (Added October 2003)

Kelly , 12, St. Louis, Missouri, USA


These is my third day in this Castle.
So far I like it.
I'm hoping to see the north tower today.
People in the castle told me thar the North tower was a dark place with old things. In other words "nothing to see in there"
But I don' care, I want to see every part of this huge Castle.

The food in here it's no so bad.
There's going to be a Tournament this month.
I'm hoping to meet all the knights. (Added October 2003)

Fernando, 13, USA

Alissa Pavlovich

Friday, April.4,1480
In the Castle

Today wasn't just a regular day in the castle it was very unusual day. First of all the gatekeepers let the prisoners have food! That never happens. Maybe they just felt generous or something. My family doesn't even get a lot of food. Then second of all the guards would let people in without even asking them questions. I wonder why the guards let people in? Now I have to go help wash clothes. (Added October 2003)

Alissa, 12, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Lady Megan

Friday, April 4, 1480
On the Carriage
Today was a busy day. My ladies in waiting were in a rush to complete my wedding dress before I move to Shimerston.
My hairdresser must have tried eight different hair styles on me. We finally decided that my hair would be put up with curls, and have a diamond tiarra on top. Lastly, I visited Lucy to tell her farewell. We cried together and then I started off on my carriage ride to Shimerston. (Added October 2003)

Megan, 13, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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