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Sir Karl Perrin the Great

I'm the cap't of the Knights. I am the greatest knight, the castle is attacked by dragons. It's looks like for me to have a Big War Between Knights & Dragons for the first time. One of the dragons are Nice. The rest are Evil. The lady dragon is our side. On Sat 10 Nov 1077, We trick the dragons by pretending to run away. When the Dragons chase us, we turn around and killed them. When the Grey Dragon was killed by me, The Dragons fly away like big Chickens. We saved the castle & I became king of England on Mon 31 Jan 1078. (Added October 2003)

Karl, 13, Mevagissey, UK


April 3 1550 today is my birthday. Cook is planning a great feast for there are visitors to come for dinner. After my maid dresses me and plaits my hair with the new ribbons Papa gave me, we are going to the meadow to gather fresh flowers for the bedchambers. (Added October 2003)

Alicia, 14, Cape Fair, MO, USA


March 25,1480
It was my turn today to collect taxes. My dad (King Dale) has a daily tax that the peasants must pay. 20 gold & 12 silver coins. Of course my sisters get to go to another ball. The second one in 3 days.
I the youngest of 4 sisters. So I must stay in the castle's walls. My dad does not know that I sneak out to the hawks now & then. Supper is ready. I must go.
(Added October 2003)

Jacklyn, 11 , Dalevilles, Roads, USA

Princess Melissa

I got up had my breakfast and I was going to have a exciting day today because I am going to have a ride on the knights' horses and the servants are so happy and they are working ever so fast. (Added October 2003)

Melissa, 9, St Clements, Jersey

Miss Devil

Friday 25th March

I am so excited because today we get to eat fish and whale and I lovvvvvvvvvvve fish and whale. I am a rich person and today the poor people are washing everyone's clothes because it is the end of the week so they have to wash peoples clothes.
(Added October 2003)

Amy, 9, St Saviour, Jersey

Cecil a Paladin

Dear Diary,
Today I signed up for the crusades. I wrote my will today knowing that I may die. I bid my wife and kids goodbye. I received a cloth cross to put on my clothes. Tomorrow we leave for Jerusalem, the holy city. Even now am I excited by this. (Added October 2003)

Nathaniel, 13, Sydney, Australia

Lirael Luhelm

14th day of September , 1480

Thomas is home from the abbey today for the rest of the week. While he is out playing with the village children I am shut indoors sewing until my fingers fall to the dirty stone floors. Corpus bones! I hate being lady-like, as my caretaker, Malinda, likes to say. Lady-like. That is pure rubbish, there is nothing lady-like about tending to the needs of your ale head father and sewing your brains out. I am running low on ink so I shall depart now. I picked 7 fleas off today. God's thumbs! (Added October 2003)

Moolay, 12, USA


Wednesday, March 19,1420

My name is Lesley. I am a maid in this gigantic castle. I wash beautiful dresses for the Lady of the castle.
I place the clothes in a small, round washtub. I scrub them with my hands. I have to bake a cake for a big banquet tonight. The banquet is for the Lord and Lady from another castle. I will also make pheasant, deer and goose. (Added October 2003)

Lesley, 10, USA


Wednesday, January 28,1420
I have to clean the stairs and bake. I clean clothes and wash things.
(Added October 2003)

Ashley, 6, USA

Alexandria Denise

Today I went to the stables and rode a pony. I know my father says it's inappropriate for a fair lady to go horseback riding, but I just hope he'll never find out. I also had to make a quilt for the coming winter. It's a long way off, but we have to get a head start!
(Added October 2003)

Bess, 13, Franklinton, LA, USA

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