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Shelly Bobin

Today it was really hot I had to walk around the castle in my petitcoat.
My uncle, the lord of the house made me eat a pig that he killed, it was disgusting (I prefer duck.)
The King is coming tomorrow and my uncle wants to cook a pig but I said no way we should eat rats instead. My uncle also wants me to marry the king. (Added October 2003)

Maria and Becky, 12, Chelmsford, UK


Oh my dear Diary,
My life here in a castle is not so nice. I am a slave and all I do is work. I cook,clean,and serve to the rich people.
I wish I could be a princess for just one day.
To be with a Prince, and to see what it would be like to be waited on.
But no, I had to be born into a unroyal family.
So I guess there is nothing I can do… just work hard and have no food.
I wish just one day I can witness a royal life..
I wish.. I wish… (Added October 2003)

Amanda, 13, Warminster, USA


Dear Diary,
Today I woke up, and were under seige. It happened overnight when everyone was sleeping. I am really scared. All of the women in the castle hid downstairs in the dungeon. In about 10 minutes all of the knights were dressed and ready to kill. It is still going on now, and I'm not sure if we're going to live. Hopefully we fight them off.(Added October 2003)

Courtney, 13, Warminster, PA, USA


March 7
When I woke up this moning I sat up in my bed. The stoned floor was so cold that I had to stay on my bed and call someone to bring my breakfast. Later that day I went into town and looked around for a new cloak. When I found one that suited me, I got in my carrige and the chauffeur took me home. Later that night I spent the rest of the day laying on my bed reading a nice, comforting book. (Added October 2003)

Sandy, 12, Fort Worth, Texas, USA


I am so cold. It was freezing this morning. My toes are stil numb and I have been in the great hall all morning! Kaki is still ill. Summer is over her illness and is back to her regular old self again. Shery, the nanny, is ill so mother can't go into town today. I think that with Summer who is 13 and I who am 12 we can take care of baby Kaki who is 5. Mother should go with Daddy into town instead of staying here. Miss Burner the cook is preparing the meal for brunch. She is cooking a new delicacy. I have no idea what it is. It looks delicious though! Well I better dash, mother is helping Miss Burner and baby Kaki is crying. (Added October 2003)

Mickay, 11, Canada

Lady Ashley

July 17, 1480.

Dearest Diary,
Today is the worst day of my life. Our castle is under attack. I fear the worst! Our brave Knights are doing their best in battle but I fear we are losing. In fact one of our bravest knights died today.

King Rupert's knights have overtaken our castle and released all of the prisoners from the dungeon.

I am trapped in my tower and I can hear the enemy drawing closer What will become of me?
Lady Ashley
(Added October 2003)

Natasha, 9, Kemptville, Ont., Canada


March 4, 1629

Spring is coming, thankfully. There have been light snows but it has never stuck. It is so cold that when I tried to run in the courtyard I slipped on a patch of ice! I started laughing and the servants all looked at me. (Added October 2003)

Gabby, 11, Atlanta, GA, USA

Princess Amarylis

Dear Diary,

Why oh why was I born a princess?
This morning I was forced into a scratchy, frothy lace monstrosity, only to be told by my mother(grrrr) that I had to change into something even fancier after breakfast.

It turns out that I have been betrothed to an awful man called Sir Archibald. He is at least 20 years older than me and he stinks! If I have to marry him then I shall run away!

This afternoon I took my hawk, Lucifer, to hunt in the grounds. It was fabulous. I felt so free without my ladies watching. I also managed to bring down a young deer in the forest. This shall be served at table tonight, but I only hope no one will tell father who caught it. He wishes me to be a true lady, simpering and swooning, and I fear I shall disappoint him.


Anastacia, 13, Newcastle, UK

Princess Rosealita

I woke up from a dream and all of a sudden, I realized that I was a beautiful,pretty,and polite princess! I went downstairs to eat breakfast, and I saw that people were bowing down to my father "King Phillip". I loved the castle life. I was so rich.

An hour had passed. It was getting really boring just sitting around getting whatever I wanted. So I decided to arange a ball!

I ordered the maids to prepare a big dinner with a lot of cakes, pudding, chicken, pigs, rabbits, and lots more. Everybody was invited including Sqires, Knights, Danes, Queens, Kings, Jesters, Chefs, and a lot more noble people. No peasants were allowed.

That night, when the ball started a huge army of men came to fight for our castle. They had the best weapons ever known to man. There were archers, and many men. Maybe about 200 or so. They dug ditches, they charged with horses using the stirrups so they wouldn't fall of. Men carried crossbows and axes. They used gunpowder to shoot peasents. Their armour must have weighed 500pds for one person. Their helmets were very strong. They held their sword in one hand and their sheild in another. They were very well protected.

But our men were the strongest. We didn't have as much armour and weapons as they did, but we didn't need as much because we were safe inside the castle. We fought as good as we could and we ended up winning the war.

That was a rough night. I woke up and realized I never woke up before and the whole thing was just a dream. That was one of my most exciting dreams ever! (May 2003)

Sam , 10, Downingtown, PA, USA

Maid Amber or just maid

At 4 am i was awoken. I got up and had to tidy up. I put the fire on and awoke the cook. She was ill, so i had to cook some breakfast. I helped myself to egg on toast. First time i was fed in weeks. Then i awoke the children and dressed them. Prince Andrew wanted to play soldiers and Princess Bella wanted to play dollys. I got beaten for making them cry. February 2003

Katy, 12, Wellesbourne, Warwickshire, UK

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