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Cook Cathy

Today I woke at sunrise to tidy as I always do. When Master Cole woke he told me to cook up breakfast right away. He seemed very frustrated but I didn't know why.
Afterwards I plucked up the courage to ask him. He said in a harsh voice his mum had died, I was very surprised because I had seen her the day before.
Wouldn't you know I had to cook up the meals for her funeral! February 2003

Laura, 12, N. Ireland


Dear Diary,
I am so scared, I'm still shaking. Last night someone threatened to make my life a misery. I couldn't see the person's face because of their mask. What's that smell? Uh! It's digusting, it smells like...like smoke? SMOKE!!! Oh my word, help!
I'm back, the tower was in flames! I was nearly in flames and so were you, diary. If it weren't for my guard we'd be burnt!!! We are so lucky and the castle is being rebuilt now. I'll be back soon my maid is calling me.
Petunia February 2003

Emily, 11, Altrincham, UK

Lady Claire

1st January 1899
I found something today, when one of my courtiers was digging in the garden. And one of our most highly protected, dangerous prisoners escaped! He knocked out one of our gatekeepers, when he went to give him food.

Anyway, in the garden, was a key. This, we later found out, was a key to my chamber-room, which I had lost days before. We think someone may have taken it to pick a lock, and when it didn't work, they chucked it out into the garden!

That's all, for today anyway.
Lady Claire February 2003

Claire, 11, Altrincham, UK

Lady Alexandra

Today Queen Hallen's feast was held. Her cook made the most delicious and most beautiful boar's head. I also enjoyed the apple pie and the gingerbread. All of the food was delicious and fantastic .There was only one problem about the taster's food - it was poisoned and
two serfs died.

We had five great lute players and six more entertainers that played instruments and juggled. Queen Hallen looked very happy and pleased with her feast. I played the fiddle and the piano and my friend sang and danced.

I am hoping for another feast that will be as wonderful as this one was. February 2003


Alexandra, 9, New York, USA

George de Blythe

I killed two of the red white team. But the red white team killed one of my team. I had a little practice today at cooking. I had apple and oranges and beans for dinner.

Alan fitz George organised a large banquet for the arrival of the King who is staying at my castle for a day on his way to Scotland to put down a rebellion. February 2003

George, 6, Blyth, England

Sara, the late 1400s

I'm Sara the maid. In early morning I go do my duties from about 4:30-8:00. Then I head to the kitchen to start breakfast. When the knights get back from the tournaments and training I must make their armor shine. Finally I must iron Princess Kelly's long silk dress till it's as straight as can be. Then I go iron Queen Trisha's dress and King Karl's suit and finally Prince Taylor's suit. Then I go to the kitchen and cook dinner and this time I get to eat once all the dishes are done! Then it's off to bed until another full day at work! February 2003

Vanessa, 10, Colonsay, Canada


August 11th, 1339
Dear Diary,
This morning I was awakened by my father's page, Arthur. he is my good friend although if father ever finds out he will tar his hide. This morning, Arthur and I saddled our mounts, I my pony, Fairy, and he his gelding, Jangles.

We galloped down to the tournament field where we were surprised to find a tournament was being set up. I quickly learned that it was a surprise for my birthday, which is two days away. My father roared with laughter when he found out that I had been helping Arthur with his tournament skills and that I could actually outshoot him in archery.

My noble father decided to give me two of my gifts early and you will never guess what they were! One was a beautiful Merlin, complete with my own set of jesses. The other was a horse! My very own horse! He is a beautiful shade of grey. I think I shall call him Phantom, though mother would not approve.

Father is leaving on a hunting trip at dawn and he will take Arthur and I with him. It is odd to do these things, for I am to be a lady, and only boys hunt, flacon and have horses. I think it is because father so longed for a son and got me instead.

Mother has just told me to retire or I will look ghastly in the morning.
Elizabeth February 2003

Kayla, 12, London, UK


Today was great. I got my tour of the castle. My favorite part was the hawks and falcons. The Great Hall wasn't so bad. I especially liked the entertainment. I saw the dungeon and I'm wondering who else is in there besides Sir Dylan. I wanted to ask Lord Sherrwood about it, but I changed my mind.

Anyway, I got to see the Royal Apartments and Lord Sherwood's Towers. In the kitchen, they let me help make one of the meals! Like I said today was perfect! Got to go! February 2003

Emmy, 10, Provo, Utah, USA

Eleanor of Aquitaine

Petronilla, my sister was awful today. She didn't cooperate with me and when I found her, she was reading you, my dear diary! February 2003

Kyla, 13, Canada

Queen Fiona Farquuad

Dear Diary,
Today I called for servant Eliza to dress me, then I went to breakfast. The other servant was sick so my dress was all wrinkled. February 2003

Penny, 9, Livingston, NJ, USA

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