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Alice Penntington

Today someone was sent to the dungeon right in the middle of a fancy dinner. It was scary but he's going to be in that dungeon for probaly the rest of his life. He was sent there for theft of the Lady's $500 jewelry.

Loryn, 12, Wellington, KS, USA


This morning I had to crack the ice on my washing water again. Boy, were my hands cold. This morning I thought it was very cold. But once it got towards the afternoon, it got warmer. In the evening it was very nice.

There were over three hundred guests in the castle. I'm only going to name a few of them because there were so many. Their names were Margie, Mavis, Avis, Vera, June, Herman, Jeff, Jim, George, and John.

After we ate, some people left, but those that I just told you the names of. I went to my room and took a nap. After I woke up, I felt like I was ready to go back to sleep, but I got up and went to work.

This is what I got accomplished. I accomplished my wash, cleaning up my room, drying my clothes, and putting them away. That may not seem like a lot, but washing all those clothes, drying them, and then putting them away took just about 4 hours. I also had people yelling my name and so had to see what they wanted, and then I had to help them. so that took up a lot of time. I also had turnip casserole for one of my main dishes. I thought that it was very good but I don't think other people liked it.

Bailey, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Lady Carlie

First my servants feed the cats then they feed me while the men go and hunt dinner. My father the king is very busy making plans for war and I beg him not to go, but he does and he is gone for about three months but the battle is won and we will not be split apart again.

Carlie, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Lord Lira

I think I am ready to go home now. I have been here for 56 years. I wonder if my parents are still alive or if they got ran over by a herd of deer or cows?

Tyler, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Lady Mary Anne

September 30,1110

Dear Diary,
Today was a great day. The weather was beautiful. It wasn't too hot or too cold. A perfect day for wondering around the castle grounds which I did.

Today we had a special guest come to the castle. He name was Lord Christopher from Ireland. He is my brother's brother-in-law. He is very handsome. We have a lot of things in common. We both like ridding horses and watching jousts. The joust is very exciting. Lord Christopher is a real gentleman. Tomorrow he is taking me on a picnic.

I am so excited today because I finally got my room clean. It is such a big room that it takes forever to clean. My father was very glad that I got it done. This evening we had my favorite dish, fried chicken, spicy mashed potatoes, green beans, corn-on-the cob, garlic bread, and rum to drink. It was so good. I am still very full.

Today our head servant, Thomas Hunt, had a heart attack. We are all very worried about him. Here at our castle we don't treat our servants like servants. We treat them like they are good friends who happen to wait on us. I am sure Thomas will be back soon. We all miss him dearly.

Well, its time to go to bed. I am very tired. Today was a very full day with all that happened. I hope tomorrow is as good of a day as today.
Lady Mary Anne

Mary Anne, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Lady Kia Flames

September 30

Today was nice, but when the Lord went hunting it started to rain.
When he got back he was soaked but he managed to capture a beautiful young stag. We are going to have his Lordship Karof in today. So my maids are busy cleaning. I do hope the new cook finds something good to cook. Other than her original rabbit stew.

Ashley, my maid, is sickly today but I don't think she has anything serious. I think she gave it to me but it could be that I am refusing to eat that stew every day. Why doesn't she make a nice minced pie with brown gravy? Oh, and for dessert we can have some bread puddding.

Oh well they are going to have to make enough for four hundred people. I am just glad that there is not any more rabbit left in the castle. I personally made sure of that.

Jessica, 13, Wellington, KS, USA


September 30

I woke up today with my ladies shaking me. They seemed to have been trying for nearly five minutes. I dressed and went downstairs to eat. I had bread and broth. A typical breakfast.

My father came in when I was half done with Sir John and Lady Ella, Sir John's sister. I always hated Sir John. He was always bragging about how rich he is. But I liked his sister. She is always nice.

I took a walk in the garden and thought I caught a glimpse of prince Jesse. I had met him once at my mother’s funeral. He seemed so normal. Not like some snobby prince. And he helps others. I can't wait until I meet him again.

Everyone seems to be well today. The sun is shining, and the weather perfect.

I talked to my father after lunch. He said that the King is holding a ball in honor of prince Jesse's coming of age. At the ball he was supposed to pick a bride. He had just got back form another country where he had business to do about being the heir. Father said I could go. I think I even developed a crush on the prince one afternoon when we were taking a walk together.

It is nighttime and I must rest. But I don't know how I can. Seeing as I have to get everything ready for the ball tomorrow.

Katy, 12, Wellington, KS, USA


Dear Diary,

Today there was a wedding of Sir Maciron and Lady Rosan.
The wedding was so beautiful, but then the married couple were found guilty of murder of the king and sentenced to be beheaded.
But there was one little girl named Marilighn that actually saw the king killed. She knew that they didn't do it and knew that the queen actually killed the king, because she wouldn't name the kingdom after her and wouldn't make the little children leave the kingdom, because she hated kids. Marilighn knew where the queen hid the murder weapon and got it and told every one what really happened. The queen was sentenced to life in jail with children being her guards. The Married couple became King and Queen and since Marilighn had saved their lives and she had no family, they adopted her and made her princess of all crimes although she was already princess. The couple also named the land after her and demanded that all children come to a wonderful party for the princess and all of the orphan kids were adopted by families of the village.

Mickey, 13, Hot Springs, AR, USA

Prince Charles

Sunday 1st September

It is scary in the castle.
I have to wash the Queen's crown.
I don't really want to wash her crown but if I have to I will, as if not she will order me to be imprisoned for the rest of the week.

Troy, 8, Blenheim, New Zealand

Princess Fiona

Saturday 28th of March

Today is my birthday. But everyone is acting weird - I wonder what is going on?
My dad's King Arthur -- after a meeting my mum has locked herself in my room with my flying pig.
My grandmother has been in the toilet all night and don't even want to think about what she's doing in there.
Anyway this is my day.
But I think to myself what if they're holding a surprise for me? I walked out and my grandfather was swinging on the chandelier. Oh what a day. In the end it turned out to be a great day. These are the presents: I got a donkey,a gold toilet and fantastic Party.

Nadia, 11, Perth, Australia

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011