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Sir Zak

Tuesday September 30, 2002

Today I ate sausage and waffles. I watched a tournament and saw my cousin.
She said she is doing fine. Her mother is sick. I am going to make plans to see her on thursday.

Zak, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Ladie Matlock

It was the day of the tournaments. Everyone was talking about the defending champ, Sir Benny. This year there's a new contestant Sir Berry, a young man from the middle of nowhere.
When we got to the tournament they were selling food, so we stopped and ate some breakfast. The first match was about to start, Sir Benny vs. Sir Zane. Sir Benny ended up winning.
Next was Sir Berry vs. Sir Justin. Sir Berry won. As the day went on Sir Benny and Sir Berry won, then it came to the last round. Sir Benny vs. Sir Berry. It was a very long fight. Sir Berry ended up winning. The king rewarded Sir Berry, and he became the new defending champ, and became well known.

Brittany, 12, Wellington, KS, USA


October 3, 1890
The weather has not been like most years. It has been warmer.
There is a lot going on with the King coming home for his adventure. The Ladies have been doing endless needlepoint. We have finally finshed. I have noticed that Lady Isabelle hasn't had much to eat today. I wonder if she isn't feeling well.

Josie, 12 1/2, Wellington, KS, USA

Princess Dawn

Sept.26th This is me - today's my birthday yahh I'm sixteen finally. I'm a little scared, I'm getting married today to Prince Henry. Write you tomorrow. Love Princess Dawn

Stephanie, 13, Wellington, KS, USA

Ruth, daughter of Lady Sherwood

It was a very cold day in the castle today. So cold in fact I had to have a squire break the ice in my bath water before I could wash. I wish though some days I was just a peasant able to run free and to be by myself. I always have to be with people and have them watch my every move. If only I were a peasant...
I must go eat my supper now.
This the 28th day of january

Rebekah, 13, Wellington, KS, USA


I woke up and and realized I was supposed to be watching the prisoner but accidentally fell asleep. I went to see if the prisoners were still there, luckily they were. I knew that if the Lord Sherwood found out I would certainlly get thrown in with the prisoners or worse get my head chopped off.

Grant, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Jamin Lancelot

The sun is shining like a diamond. I had just gotten out of shower when my dad, Sir Lancelot, hit me with the door. We ate bread and butter for breakfast. We had only one guest, it was the falcon. We finished building the falconry. I'm doing real good and so is everyone else.

Jamin, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Lady Brayden

Today I woke up at 6:30 because I had to go down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Then once I was done making breakfast I ate.
After that I went down to the great hall to listen to the minstrel. Then I had to go to the chapel because I have trouble reading so I go there for lessons. After that I had to go to the guardroom because my boyfriend is a soldier. Then I came back to Lucy's tower and took a nap for an hour. Then I woke up and now I am writing to you! I have to go now because I have to go back down to the kitchen to make supper.

Love Lady Brayden

Brayden, 12, Wellington, KS, USA


Dear Diary,
O today was a good day and I don't know why it was just good. The sun is shining and there were no clouds in the sky. People are going in and out of the castle. For some odd reason I like watching them go in and out, just don't ask me why. In the middle of the afternoon I went for a walk because I was bored. I decided to talk to father just because there was nothing else to do. Wait, I think I know why my day was so good. I meet a prince who lives far far away. His name is Prince Albert. He is very handsome and very funny. Well it's time to sleep.

Good night

Emily, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Sir Black Night

I am a black knight. I am getting ready to go into battle! If you are reading this then I might not be alive. I have to go now into battle.

Clay, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011