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The Medieval Diary of Catherine Eleanor Renee Donpachaego Circa 1201

As Found by the Historian Sarah

December 22,1201

Malena, my nursemaid, locked me in my chambers yesterday and I was scolded for being impudent.
But let me begin my almost-royal diary the right way: my name is Catherine Eleanor Renee Donpachaego. I am sixteen, I have hair the color of chestnuts and eyes slightly darker. I keep this diary for my father’s sake. I have begun my monthly courses, I have my breasts and I am utterly disgusted with the world in which I live.

December 23, 1201

I saw my father today. He is a tall man, burly, dark, handsome and humorous. He is going off on a hunt. I also saw my stepmother. She told me to get out of her way. I said I would move for such a greedy woman the day pigs fly. She tried to smack me but I ran off.
Father said he was getting me a companion. I can hardly wait!

Later This day: Tomorrow is Christmas. It is not as important as Epiphany, but we still have a feast. We have mince pies for each of the twelve days of Christmas and Cook is busy baking.
I saw the Reeve collecting the rent. John the woodcutter goes first as he has the most land. Next is Christopher the baker and then Eleanor the mid-wife and Adam the blacksmith, et cetera. Then my father will give them a bag of coins during the night of Epiphany for ‘tis the season of giving.

December 24, 1201

My new companion is called Catelina. I will write more later as Maleena is calling. Deuce! More sewing!
Later this day: Catelina saved the day! Maleena was yelling at me for hemming a crooked line and Catelina said, “Oh no, ‘tis my fault. I was talking and that is why the stitches are crooked.” Now we are the best friends!

December 26, 1201

My stepmother is making Catelina work hard and sleep in the scullery. I must speak to Papa. Catelina is my dearest friend. I would die without her.

December 27, 1201

Epiphany is soon. There will be feasting, dancing, and merry making. It is much more important, as it celebrates what happened to Adam and Eve.
I had an argument with my stepmother about this marriage business. I refuse to marry. I spoke to Catelina about this. She said she understands how I feel since she too was very close to being “sold” as I am to the highest bidder.
Stepmother is nothing like my mother who was an angel but frail. I felt afraid without her but I had to face the fact that she was dead. I know now that it is God who must decide, not me. I lost her when she was trying to give birth. The baby, a girl, died with her. That was four years ago. It was hard on father to lose both his daughter and wife at once. My father does not talk much about her death.
I hated the idea that my father was remarrying. The wound of losing my mother was still fresh, deep, and sore. He was friends with Stepmother’s brother and that is how the marriage was arranged. Stepmother is I think a devil from the very halls of hell. She is burly and tall and mean. Horns and pitchforks would suit her well, indeed.

Later this day: Bad news... I received a message from my stepmother. A list of suitors!

December 29, 1201

Pooh!! This day is terrible. I read the list of suitors. There are ten.

1 Caspian Pivinsie
2 Dudley Crowberg
3 Theodore Lacrenzoe
4 George Brook
5 John Applegate
6 Christopher Elombra
7 Alfonse Alahander
8 Leroy Calenball
9 Adam Willow
10 Harry Deacoon
Stepmother said there would be a feast! Ooh how I Hate this day!

December 30, 1201

My cousin George, my aunt and my uncle came from Stonebridge. George is such a pig that he tried to eat all twelve days’ worth of the mince pies at once. He is now confined to his chambers, as he is in trouble with the cook. His stomach is so big that he is still hungry. Although my aunt and uncle are religious, George seems not to know that gluttony is a sin.

December 31, 1201

I suppose I should take this time to tell you of Catelina and her family. Well, Catelina is the daughter of a lord a bit poorer than my father but none of that matters to me. She has beautiful blond hair, and blue eyes. Like me, she has a fair complexion. She was to be in my Father’s care, and he spoke to her father to ask if she could be my companion. I need not tell you what happened, for here she is, my companion. She thinks her father consented in order that she might meet more eligible suitors.

January 1, 1201

My cousin, Jonathon came back from the Crusades. He seems much changed. I overheard Jonathan and Father talking. Jonathan said that when he was captured, he was treated like a guest. What a wonder! He also told father that the Saracens were actually very prayerful people and wash very frequently so that they do not have the same smell that we have.

January 2, 1201

Guess what? The stablemen have just finished the stone keep! We used to live in a Motte and Bailey, which is a wooden building on a mound but we moved to this stone castle about two years ago. Father says the design is better for defense and even though we are not on an enemy border we still need protection. I like that the rooms are larger and there are more places to hide from both Maleena and Stepmother. There is also a hidden passage that leads from my chamber throughout the castle.
Catelina and Jonathan met each other tonight. But, when they were introduced, they both turned red, and Catelina giggled! What is happening?!!

January 3, 1201

The minstrels have arrived! This is a very big event! They not only give us news, they tell tales, sing songs, juggle, tumble, and do magic tricks! There are five of them, two women, two men and a young boy on stilts. They wear brightly colored tunics of red and orange and the women wear robes of yellow. They are like magic people bringing the sunshine with them, and weaving tales before our eyes.
Deuce! Catelina and Jonathan are worse. Much worse, as in frightningly worse. They chat with each other and giggle over everything. They seem to find humor in things that are not even remotely funny. They leave me out. I feel as if they think I should be seen and not heard. I plan to be extremely sick, something Maleena does not have a cure to so that I do not have to endure their company this evening.
Later this day: Maleena said I was fine, so I had to go downstairs. More bad news. Some of the suitors have arrived, the plagues of my life. I said to each, “Get away, thou issue of a mangy dog! ””
I have just met at dinner, the ugliest, smelliest, yellow toothed carbuncle in the world. His name is Leroy Calonball!
My evil stepmother tried to make me speak to the suitors, but I said, “They are peevish lily-livered malignancies. I refuse to speak to them.” She said, “You will speak to them!” I said, “More of your talk will infect my brain!”and ran!

January 4, 1201

The rest of the suitors have arrived. Catelina and I were laughing about them. It is very funny that any of them think they can win my favor.
Something is terribly wrong! Stepmother has not said anything mean!
She just smiles like the cat who ate the mouse.
Later this day: Nooooooooooo!!!!! She wants me to marry Leroy Calonball for he has the most money. He is the worst of the worst of a sorry bunch. I passed him at supper, and he smiled at me. I said, “Let us meet as little as possible.” He just smiled again. He seems to like my sense of humor or else he feels his place is secure. I hate him already.

January 5, 1201

Jonathan has kept to himself in his chamber. He has his meals sent up though he is not ill. I do not know why and I dare not ask Catelina for she just giggles at the mention of his name. I think love can sometimes have an ill effect on a body.

Later this day: I am ambivalent. Jonathan has proposed to Catelina. My father stood proxy for her father and gave his consent. She has accepted and is illuminated with joy! I am happy for them, but I feel I am losing both my cousin, and best friend.

January 6, 1201

Stepmother’s niece, Isolde, came last night in time for the feast. We have met her a number of times and she and I are quite companionable although I do not see how she can be so close with such a horrid beast as my stepmother. Stepmother is to her like a second mother and to me an abomination. Isolde is eight months with child and wants us to be there for the baby! Her husband is a merchant, and right now he is trading in the East. Eleanor, the midwife, will deliver.
This new excitement helps me to forget for a time the loss of Catelina but not so that I forget it entirely. If only Stepmother would focus on Isolde and forget about the suitors. They could be exiled from the earth and I would care not. Most of them are supposed to leave tomorrow. I am not sorry to see them go.

January 11, 1201

All the suitors have left except two. The pig, which is what I shall call Lord Calonball, and a man who I think, is much nicer. If I must choose a suitor, it would be him. His name is Caspian Pivinsie. He is comely enough, seems to have a pleasant way about him, is generous and does not laugh at me the way the others do. The pig has no excuse to stay and partake of my father’s board, but Caspian has business and Father says he may stay here until it is concluded.

January 18, 1201

The babe may come sooner than planned. Stepmother has been with Isolde every minute since she arrived.
Caspian had to rush home because he got word that his older brother is very ill. He might die. No more now for Isolde is calling.

January 21, 1201

The babe was born today! A beautiful girl, healthy and strong. They named her after me, Catherine Eleanor Renee Cruncham. Stepmother is her nasty self once more. Isolde is tired from her ordeal but happy. Father dotes on the babe for he has not seen one since the death of my mother.

February 20, 1201

I have not written for the longest time. Little Catty as we call her, has kept us all amused, busy and happy. She is growing to be a fine young lady like her namesake. She gurgles and smiles and commands great attention.
More news! Caspian has returned with the sad news that his elder brother died a bachelor. Caspian has also brought a surprise! A fortune! That makes him more acceptable to Stepmother. As for me, I will wait and see what happens.

Here ends the diary of Catherine Eleanor Renee Donpachaego. Church documents from this town record the death of Catherine Eleanor Renee Pivinsie in 1245. She was the mother of a girl named Catelina Christina Pivinsie. October 2002

Belle, 9, Clifton, NJ, USA


Today I played tricks on the knights.
I hid mice in their suits of armor.
When they put on their armor they jumped and screamed like merry maids.
I also put goldfish in their chalices.
Boy, are they mad at me.
Tomorrow I plan to glue their underwear to their armor. October 2002

Zoot, 6, Los Angeles, USA


Woke up late, got beaten for it. Helped with the milking, Daisy kicked me so I've been limping around most of the day. Lady Sherwood is having a party soon, that means extra kitchen chores! Cook always makes me scrub the dirty dishes. got to bed long after sunset, I'll probably be late again in the morning, though I hope not.

Rachel, 12, Isleham, England

Kayla Richmond, Richmond Castle

October 1, 2002
Dear diary today I woke up at the castle and I thought it was going to be a bore. But it wasn't at all what I thought. First, I got to have my riding lesson in the morning insted of at night because there is a ball going on tonight and I can't stand still thinking about it. It's my first ever! But I got to have my riding lesson that's the best part. Then I went hunting for fun but if my mother found out she would punish me for days after. After that it was time to get ready for the ball I got to wear a very elegant pink dress the my maid made. It was beautiful! The ball was fantastic, I love it so very much.

Kayla, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Lady Brit

Dear Diary,

Today it felt really nice outside compared to yesterday where I had to crack the ice in the water. I just feel like singing because the new minister has finally come to replace the old one that died a few months a go. I cried so long he was really nice.

But did I tell you they finally get the new wall done after that horrible fire last month. It was so cold in the gatehouse. At least it was when I went down there 3 days ago. But I hope now it is warmer, because I would hate to know that those poor gateguards froze to death. Oh and I was so scared when someone spread the news that both of them had died for a prank. But the king came and told me that it was just gossip.

Well, diary as far as I know no one else has died or no one has got killed in any tournaments. No one but the minister has died in the last 5 years.

Oh, and we had the most delightful fish to eat today. I loved it but I don't think the new minister did but I think he just isn't used to such good food seeing how he doesn't have a wife. He made his own meals, he said that they weren't very good.

Well diary that is it for the day but I will talk to you tomorrow.

Sincerely, Lady Brit

Tiffany, 12, Wellington, KS, USA

Mel-Bel Ariel-Marel

I wake up and get dressed to go outside and sit to feel the peaceful morning. The weather is quite nice. I go back inside to eat and clean up. I'll have a few guests over today so I need to make the house look nice. Melanie arives with Arielle. They are my best friends. All of the other guest arrive and we sit to eat and have a dance in the Ball Room after we all are done. The night goes well so I'm dead tired so I'll go to bed.

Brittany, 12 , Wellington, KS, USA

Lady E

Dear Diary today when I awoke it was a warm sunny day.
I am fealing weary well but my husband has fallen ill to the flue. Sir Nickolis is staying at the castle to help train some of our knights.Today there will be a joust between Sir Dylan and Sir Nickolis, it will begin in thirty minutes. When it started I was a few minutes late because I was in the kitchen helping to prepare the roasted ducks.

Now they are running at full speed at each other - oh Sir Dylan was struck hard in the head as he is sliding off his horse - there were gasps from the crowd. Sir Nickolis was the victor. I hope he will be all right - as his squire slides his helmet off blood was running from his nose. I think it is broken, he has been carried off to be cared for. My husband is looking better. Supper was great.
It is time for bed, good night.

Hazel, 13, Wellington, KS, USA

Lady Michelle Crawford

Dear Dairy, Year of 890 A.D.

Today was very interesting. The day started out being bright and sunny then a big thunder storm came. After that a rainbow came out the sky was beautiful.

We had the Lord Williams over with his lady. We had a very nice dinner. We didn't get much accomplished with guests over. We have a sick horse and the servants are worried that it will die. I hope it doesn't.

I have to go to supper. I will write tomorrow.

Michelle, 13, Wellington, KS, USA


The weather is fair today with a hint of rain on the way. Lord and Lady McKcan are visiting the castle in celebration of the birth of Elizabeth Nichole McJohnson. Everyone is in good health and spirit. Cook prepared a special meal and everyone enjoyed it. The maids did a great deal of chores in preparation for the feast and even found time to give all the rooms a special cleaning. With a new baby here and two more on the way I must not tarry. This is all I have time for because Lord and Lady Karikan have just arrived.

Leah, 13, Wellington, KS, USA

Marie Livingston

Today is my Birthday. I woke up to birds singing outside my room.
I went to breakfast and had the biggest breakfast I had ever had.
Later that evening we had a banquet. We danced and had a big feast. I got a really big dress. It is beautiful. It was the best birthday ever.

Alicia, 13, Wellington, KS, USA

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011