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Lady Sofia

Dear diary
What a cold winter's day. I am frozen as ice locked up here in this dreadful tower. I need more food than I receive.

Sophie, 13, Perth, Australia


I would probably get lost in the big castle but yet it would still be fun becuase I think that in the castle there would be a swimming pool. That would be fun. Also I wouldn't have to do any of my chores!

But most importantly I would give away money in the palace to all the poor people in the castle.

Makayla, 10, South Jordan, USA

Lady Kao

Very nice weather we have had this morning.
I rode Kalbo Star, my Unicorn friend this morning. She's beautiful.
She has disguised herself as a horse so we could be together.

I found out today, that my father is going on a hunting trip.
That sounds like fun, except for the killing part.
Oh how I wish I could go on a camping trip.
I mean, just because I'm a girl, I can't go.
When I get married, I'm going to make a few changes.

Jennifer, 13, Summerland, Canada


Dear Diary,
Today when I rose from my chamber and Titian had dressed me, I sat by the window and did some embroidery on a hunting tapestry for my uncle. As I looked over the castle walls to the swaying beech, oak, and hazel treetops, I fancied that I saw the blurred outline of a man on horseback in the gloomy fog. Some time later, my vision was verified, and the huntsman Robin told me it is the shape of a hunter on a magnificent horse riding toward the gates. At once I was escorted down to the Great Hall, were he was waiting for my father. He looked a handsome, bright fellow, and said hello to me in a deep voice. Doubtless I thought he brought news. My uncle entered and ordered me from the hall gravely, but I learned from my chambermaid what happened:
"Many days took me to get here, long hard days, my lord, but I shall not dwell in those memories, for I have been sent with bitter news."
"Pray speak thy message."
"I come from the Duke of Lebanese, for he claims that half of thy forest woodland is rightfully his. If you shall not consent to give him three quarters of the wood, he will resort to open battle with you,"
"Be you friend or foe?"
"Friend, most certainly, but a friend that is not sure of his fate."
Now we must wait for my uncle's hard decision. I hope there will not be open battle.

Hollie, 10, Hilo, Hawaii

Isabelle Shaw

5th February (half past four)

I feel absolutely exhausted! I haven't done that much today, just did a bit of tidying. Later on I'm supposed to be watching a tournament. I can't wait! This very moment we are eating dinner. It is delicious (Cook is so talented in the kitchen). We are having my favourite. Chicken, vegetables (which I better eat more of, if I want to be strong, powerful and great like my mother), potatoes, bread and butter. I am having a sort of grape juice which is quite delightful. It is very sweet and filling.

Harold and Elizabeth are writing their diaries in their apartments. I like to write mine outside on the cool grass breathing pure fresh air.

It is now time to watch the amazing Sir Amalot and Sir Dannington. They both look very nervous inside their armour. I can see them shaking from here, but both are extremly brave, extraordinary men. Like my dear father was when he was alive. If he saw me now he would be proud. His words would be, " Grow up like your mother, Isabelle. You have mine and your mother's blood in you. You can be like us if not better, just be confident. Always have challenges." I love my father. He had such courage. He would of been a great king.

The tournament was difficult. Sir Dannington won. He had quite a talent. I want to be something big, brave and challenging when I get older. Something different. I shall not give up. I have dreams that will become reality.


Ashley, 12, Sheffield, UK

Lady Sophie-Marry

Sunday, May 18th 1455,

I woke up..and my servant Nerissa brought me my beautiful green dress that I like so much. It was my 17th birthday this day. I was really happy. the sun was shining and the birds were singing.
Prince Niklas was waiting for me in the hall...when I went down, he gave me a beautiful white rose and a kiss on my mouth.
This was the best birthday I ever had.

Anne-Marie, 16, Dietzenbach, Germany

Lady Catherine

9.00 - Got up and my lady-in-waiting dressed me.
10.00 - Went for a ride on my horse around the gardens.
12.00 - Went back inside to get my breakfast (which was bread soaked in wine)
1.00 - Went for a walk around the gardens with my husband.
2.00 - I went down to the dungeons to see if the slaves are doing their work.
2.30 - Got my dinner which consisted of meat and vegetables.
4.00 - Went into the village on my new horse to show off to the peasants.
6.00 - Got dressed into more comfortable clothes for the night's entertainment.
7.00 - Went into the Great Hall.
10.00 - Went into my room where my lady-in-waiting was and she help me get dressed for bed.

Michelle, 11, Rossview, UK

Princess Jasmine

Today I took a round of the kingdom and I am so pitiful to the
poor people of the kingdom that I will ask my father to give
all of the families 100 gold coins every month.

Fouz, 12, Fiji Island


I would go and have a party with my friends and then end the day with a romantic dinner with Prince Charming.

Elisabeth, 10, Adelaide, Australia

Lise, in the mid 1400s

I am Lise the maiden. I attend my duties every day very early in the morning till night! My days are like this. I awake bright and early, then Princess Eliza calls me down from my chamber. With all the cares in the world, I iron her sapphire gown.
When she says it's good enough, I run down the stairs, and have breakfast. Then throughout the day I escort the princess every where!

Riley, 9, UK

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011