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A medicine to prevent vomiting

Add water to a pot,
then add 3 snails and the shells included,
simmer for 8 minutes,
put in the liver of a calf
add onions.
add sheep bones and 4 leeches,
add some (8) cockroaches and they will die while you cook them,
Pour into a large tin and put somewhere very cold (it should freeze and stay preserved)
then eat as and when. Garnish with some beetles. February 2003

Kez, 9, London, UK

Medieval Cake

1 First you need two eggs
2 then you need to get a big bowl
3 then you take the two eggs and then put some butter in
4 then you mix then together
5 then you put a little bit of baking powder
6 Finally you have to put it over the fire.
7 And then you have yourself a Medieval Cake! February 2003

Allisha, 10, Ajax , Canada


1. Take a pinch of sugar
2. Add a tea spoon of flour
3. And two eggs
4. And two tea spoons of milk
5. Give it a mix
6. Now put it in the oven for five minutes
7. Put yellow peppers in the shape of a crown
8. Put red peppers on the red bits of the crown February 2003

Kirsty, 8, East Kilbride, Scotland


. 1kg of sugar
. 1 tin of condensed milk
. 1 full glass of milk
. 3 drops of vanilla

. Set gas to highest temperature
. Stir mixture until it boils into bubbles
. Put gas down to lower gas mark and set timer for 25 mins
. Once it starts to get like a brown, tanned colour
. Set it out in a tin tray - you can use as many trays as possible until the fudge is finished!
. let it sit for about 10mins and then cut it before it turns hard
. Enjoy your Fudge! February 2003

Ann, 30, Rathfriland, N.Ireland

Party mix

1 banana
chocolate ice cream
vanilla ice cream
strawberry ice cream
whipped cream
1 apple cooked in syrup
1 bowl

Layer banana with one scoop of each ice cream. Top with apple, whipped cream, nuts and cherry February 2003

Stephan and Adrian, 10 & 8, Pelham, Alabama, USA

Cookie's castle cakes

You will need:
2 eggs
200 g flour
1/2 pint milk
50 g margarine
5 lb sugar

1.cream the margarine and 2/3 of the sugar together.
2.add the flour and stir well but every 5 stirs add a tiny bit of milk until it is all gone.
3.add both eggs and stir until the mixture is thick.
4.pour into a baking tray and cook at a temperature of 150 degrees celcius
5.when cooked leave to cool on a cooling rack.
6.sprinkle the remaining sugar onto the cake and enjoy!! February 2003

Alice, 11, Emsworth, England

Baked carrot

Take 5 carrot
Take 2 onions
Take 3 eggs

Cut carrots into slices and throw it onto hot frying pan. Add eggs, little onion and add spices. Fry till the eggs are ready.
That's all. Enjoy :-) February 2003

Filip, 19, Chelm, Poland

Pork with mash potato

Boil potatoes, add milk, butter and salt. Then mash until fluffy.
Broil pork chops in oven until cooked. Serve with apple sauce. February 2003

Calum, 10, Hudson, Canada

Quick fudge

2 cups of semi sweet chocolate chips
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2/3 cup of sweetened condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon of salt

Mix all ingredients in medium saucepan over medium low heat until
combined and melted then poor onto wax paper and let cool for 4-6
hours until firm. Then cut into sqaures and enjoy. February 2003

Brianna and Nikki, 10 and 28, Fort Collins, USA

Hannah's Ginger cake

2 Cups of flour
2 tablespoons of ginger
3 cups of milk (sour)
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 small bag of yeast
A pinch of brown sugar

(Preheat oven at 350 degrees)
Butter a large bowl and poor ginger, flour, milk and eggs in and stir for 3 minutes. Poor in the sugar and yeast. Mix.
Bake for 1 hour. When risen and golden brown, frost and sprinkle the brown sugar on top. February 2003

Hannah, 11, USA

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