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Banana Surprise

You will need:
2 chopped bananas
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1 cup Cool Whip

All you have to do is mix all the ingredients together, and eat!
Enjoy! (April 2003)

Emily, 10, USA

Home-made easy pizza

Take a slice of sandwich bread.
Take a tomato, and make thin slices.
Put grated mozzarella cheese on top.
Then put the ingredients that you like on your pizza.
Put it in the oven on broil until the bread is golden brown.
Now enjoy! (April 2003)

Teresa, 8, Washington, DC, USA

Fort Casserole

1 pinch of salt
2 ml of ginger Ale
1 bag of macaroni noodles
3 cups of flour
2 peeled potatoes, mashed
3 cut up bananas
10 tsp of green beans
11 tbsp of corn
1 cup purple ketchup
2 cups of water

Combine together in a bowl.
Stir for 15 minutes.
Pour into pan.
Put in oven and cook for two hours (April 2003)

Katie, 9, USA

Perfect pasta

1. put the stoove on med. heat.
2. put a cup full of cut onions in a pan.
3. add 2 tablespoons of butter.
4. mix together.
5. add 1 cup of flour.
6. mix well.
7. add 1 cup of milk.
8. add 1 cup of chicken brouth
9. mix well.
10. add cheese to taste.
11. cook your pasta and add the sauce on top! February 2003

Molly, 11, USA

Chicken with Herbs

You need:
1 breast of chicken, and all the herbs you like,
1 little blender, a spoon, 1 clove of garlic.

First you take the herbs and the clove of garlic and mix them in the small blender. Then you put the herbs and chicken in a plastic bag. Put in the refrigerator for one hour then grill. February 2003

Aindrea, 12, Newark, Delaware, USA

Fruit and dip

Any fruit
Dark chocolate, melted
Pretzels (optional)

1. Take the fruit and melted chocolate
2. Dip the fruit in the choclate
3. Wait until chocolate is dry on fruit and enjoy
4. If you want chocolate coverd pretzels follow the same recipe February 2003

Jacqueline, 9, Ontario, Canada



100g self-raising flour
125g butter OR margarine
125g sugar
2 eggs
vanilla essence (if desired)


Firstly mix sugar with the magarine.
Add eggs after the mixture is soft and creamy
Then gradually sprinkle all the flour
Stir, stir and stir until soft
Add vanilla essence to taste.
Bake at Gas Mark 4 for roughly 25-30 minutes
Voila, a perfect sponge cake that can never go wrong February 2003

Mundill, 11, Chatham, UK

Hannah's Peach Prize

You will need:
4 large peaches,
4 crushed meringues,
vanilla ice-cream,
fresh raspberries
300ml whipping cream

Slice the peaches into eighths and put in a large dish. Crush the meringues and layer on top of peaches. Soften the ice-cream and layer on top of the meringue. Layer on the fresh raspberries and top with softly whipped cream. Decorate with a few raspberries. February 2003

Hannah, 11, St Albans UK

Cheese a la Innes

You will need:

1lb cheese
8lb chicken
a pinch of salt
a teaspoon of vinegar
2 onions

Chop the onions and fry them. Roast the chicken. add the salt to the chicken and put the onions round the edge. Melt the cheese and pour over the chicken with the vinegar. February 2003

Innes, 12, USA

Venison Delight

Skin the deer then sprinkle herbs and spices over it as well as a tiny bit of salt and pepper.

Stuff the deer with vegetable and pork stuffing.

Roast on a spit for 3 hours till crisp. Will serve 8 people. February 2003

Francesca , 12, Manchester, England

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011