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Francine's dish wish


-chocolate milk
-ice cream
-chocolate coco
-chocolate pudding

For all the chocolate lovers, this is the recipe for you!!! All you have to do is :

First add into a blender the milk (chocolate as well as plain), then add in the ice cream (vanilla) and mix it up in the blender. Then add in all your other ingredients, pour into a glass and enjoy!!! February 2003

Francine, 13, vancouver, B.C., Canada

Charlotte's fruit la dure

5~ chopped up apples
2~ chopped up bananas
9~ Chopped up strawberries
1~ chopped up Orange
mix them all up in a bowl together and serve out February 2003

Charlotte, 12, Brigg, England

Fried Peasant Surprise

2 Cup Peasant Flesh (Be sure to use meat only - no eyes)
3/4 cup Water
3 tbsp. Peasant Grease

Apply peasant grease to bottom of pan, generously spreading it around. Gently fry peasant flesh and apply water to keep cool. Fry thoroughly and completely.

Let cool for 10-15 minutes or until cool.

Makes 10-12 servings. February 2003

Richie, 16, Lebanon, IN, USA

Peanut Butter balls

1 mixing bowl
1 spoon
1/2 cup of peanut butter
1/2 cup of plain kix cereal
1/4 cup of melted chocolate

How to make:
Mix the kix and the peanut butter together in a bowl.
Then make 1-2" balls. Next take the choc.
Next pour some choc on the top of the balls
Then put them on a cookie sheet and chill them in
the freezer for 15-20 min. February 2003

Samantha, 11, Point Pleasant, NJ, USA

Kebab garlic foot long rolls

57kg pheasant mince
20 bunches crushed coriander herbs
6 cups of flour
50 cloves of garlic
120 cups of flour
6 cups of milk
5 pinches of salt
1kg yeast
50 cups of water

Mix the mince with the flour and add the coriander herbs. then roll in to balls and cook for 20 minutes.

In the mean time cook the bread. you must put the flour in a bowl with the water, milk, yeast and salt. Mix them well. Put the mixture in the oven for 1 hour.

Put the garlic in: slice the bread and then place the kebabs in. Heat and enjoy. February 2003

Tajal and Radeeyah, 11, Durban, South Africa

Homemade Icecream

In a small ziplock bag,
Fill it half way with cream/milk,
A bit of flavoring,
Two tablespoons of suger.

In a big ziplock bag,
Fill it half way with ice,
Three tablespoons of salt,
And when the small bag has been zipped up, put it inside the big one.
Shake for five min. When you are done, take out the small bag,and
cut a hole in one corner.
Squeeze out the icecream into an icecream cone, or a bowl.
It should make enough for two servings February 2003

Allison, 9, Osgoode, Ontario ,Canada

King Ganuosh (serves 300 people)

50 egg plants, halved
20 cloves of garlic
6 pinces of salt
12 bunches of crushed coriander
18 lemons squeezed
19 handfuls of sesame seeds
9 cups flour
6 cup water

Place the egg plants to soak in boiling water for 20 minutes.
Take the egg plant out of the water and put it in a bowl.
Mush the egg plant and then add the garlic. Mix the garlic and egg plant well then add the crushed coriander in to give a flavour. Whilst mixing the coriander add in your salt. Slowly put the juice from the lemons into the mixture.

In another bowl mix the sesame seeds with the flour and water to form a paste. Mix them well together.
Add the paste into the bowl with the egg plants
Cook for half an hour so it all becomes a paste.
Enjoy as a dip.
Serving suggestion - serve with tortillas. January 2003

Radeeyah, 10, Durban, South Africa

Meat alda warrior

My dish is made out of freshly killed wild boar and sweet apples with red berries picked two weeks ago which has been stirring in horse's blood which is supposed to be very good for the heart. You would take the wild boar cook it till crisp over the spit which would take two days to do . When the boar is ready you would take the berries and shove it down the boar's throat so when you bite into it you get a strange sensation of bitterness in your mouth and they took the apples and cut it up into little wedges and put it into the boar's eyesockets and the eyes would be put into a stew of eyes and pigs' feet and they would wash it all down with some scotch and rum January 2003

Meghan, 12, Newtownbutler, Co Fermanagh, N. Ireland

Brain and heart pie

10 pigs brain
10 cows heart
1 freshly picked apple
a handful of wild berries
a pinch of salt

You get the pig's brain and put it in a dish, season it with salt. Now get the blood from the pig's head and put it in with the brain. Get the hearts of the cows and put them in the same bowl. Chop the apples and the berries, put them in the dish and cook over the spit. Cook for 4 hour. January 2003

Katie, 13, Co. Fermanagh, N. Ireland

A Fruit Cocktail

You Will Need: A cup of Wild Berrys,
a teaspoon of sugar,
a teaspoon of syrup,
a cup of strawberries,
a scoop of icecream.

Mix everything together, serve straight away on a hot day January 2003

Shauneen, 11, Aghadrumsee, N. Ireland

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