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Female Cockatrice

1 dove (dead with it's soul blessed. It's soul NEEDS to be blessed, or else it is not a true Female Cockatrice.)
1 pig (dead and clean, it's soul does not need to be blessed.)
1 needle (on special occasions, blessed)
1 thread (white)

Behead the dove and cut the hindquarters off the pig. Sew the two together. To make it look realistic, sew under the doves feathers. Put in oven and wait for sundown. Absolutely do NOT make in morning. Make at midday.

Then stick the needle far in, if blessed. He who finds the needle will have good luck.

You can also make more of the other half of the pig and body of the dove. You can sew those together and make Angel Pig.

March 2004

Duncan, 10, Toronto, Canada

Morgan's Zesty Potatoes

1 sack of potatoes
1 bag of cheddar cheese
1 onion
1 bag Bacon Bits

Peel the potatoes and chop them up.
Cook them in the oven until golden brown
Let them cool, then sprinkle bacon bits and tons of chedder cheese on top.
Chop the onions and add them in!
Cook in the oven again until warm and take out to eat to fill your appetite!

March 2004

Morgan, 11, USA

King's Chili

You will need…
1 pound of ground beef
1 8 oz. can of Tomato paste
2 tablespoons of spaghetti sauce
1 teaspoon of fajita mix
1 green pepper
3 green onions
1 gallon pot
1 wooden spoon
1 can of kidney beans

Place the meat inside the pot and cook until brown. While cooking finely chop up the green pepper and green onions. Pour in kidney beans with their liquid,cook for 3 min., stir occasionally. Pour the tomato paste and spaghetti sauce in and stir until all is red. Pour in fajita mix. Stir. Place all the vegetables in the pot. Stir. Let simmer for 10 min. stirring occasionally, or until you can't wait any longer.
(April 2004)

Madeline, 10, Marietta, USA

Sugary raspberry pie

1/2 a cup of sugar
2 cups raspberries
1 cup raspberry jam

1 cup flour
1/2 cup water
1 cup milk

First combine all crust ingredients in a LARGE bowl and mix. Then set the oven to 350° for baking crust. After the oven is set..Put crust in oven for 10-15 minutes. After the crust is done, leave it to cool, and add all the other ingredients for filling. Then put all the ingredients inside the pie crust. Bake again at 150°: once dark purple, take out of oven, leave to cool, and serve immediately after cooled. Yum, yum, yum!
(April 2004)

MacKenna, 12, Columbus, Indiana, USA

Anzac biscuits

1 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup desiccated coconut
1 cup plain flour
1 cup sugar
125g (4oz) butter
2 tablespoon golden syrup
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 tablespoon water.

Mix oats, flour, sugar and coconut together. Melt syrup and butter together.
Mix soda with boiling water and add to melted butter and syrup.
Add to dry ingredients.
Place 1 tablespoonfuls of mixture on greased tray (allow room for spreading). Bake for 20 minutes. Loosen while warm, cool on trays.
Makes about 35 biscuits/cookies.
(April 2004)

Oriel, 6, Lexington, MA, USA

Hot Cross Buns


450g strong plain white flour
1 pinch of salt
1 level teaspoon of mixed spice
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg
12g of easy-blend yeast
50g of caster sugar
110g of currants
50g of chopped mixed peel
150ml of hand-hot milk
40-55ml of warmed water
1 beaten egg
50g of melted butter


50g of plain flour
1 & a 1/2 tablespoons of water


2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
2 tablespoons of water


First sift all of the flour, salt, mixed spice, cinnamon and nutmeg into a mixing bowl. Then sprinkle in the yeast and caster sugar, followed by the currants and mixed peel,then mix everything together evenly. Then make a well in the centre and pour in the milk and water, followed by the beaten egg and melted butter.

Now mix everything into a dough, starting off with a wooden spoon and then with your hands when the mixture becomes less sticky.

Then transfer the dough to a clean surface and knead it until it feels smooth and elastic - this will take about 6 minutes.

After that place the dough back in the bowl and cover with clingfilm. Leave in a a warm place to rise until it is double its original volume - approx 1 1/2 hours. Divide into 12 round portions and place on greased baking sheet leaving plenty of room around each one. Then using a sharp knife make a cross on the top of each bun. Leave to rise again covering with an oiled polythene bag - approx 30 mins.

While that is happening heat the oven to gas mark 7, 425 f or 220 c and make the crosses by making a paste with the flour and water - roll out and cut.

When rising time is up brush the strips with water and put crosses on top of buns. Put buns in the oven on a high shelf and bake for 15 mins. Make the glaze while they are cooking by slowly melting sugar and water together over gentle heat until sugar has dissolved and you have a clear syrup.

As soon as the buns come out of the oven, brush with the glaze while they are still hot.

Based on Delia's recipe!
(April 2004)

Alex, 12, Manchester, UK

Friday fruit

First you will need 1 large bowl, 1 chopping board, 1 knife

Then you will need
2 bananas
1 tub of strawberries
2 oranges
half a melon
1 kiwifruit
2 apples and
1 carton of pure orange juice

Step 1: chop the 2 bananas into small pieces and put them in to the bowl
Step 2: take the tub of strawberries, get 1 large handful and put them in the bowl
Step 3: peel the 2 oranges then separate the pieces then put into bowl
Step 4: spoon out the melon and the kiwi into the bowl
Step 5: chop the apples then put them in the bowl
Step 6: then pour the orange over the fruit
(April 2004)

Zoe, 11, Hull, UK

Dragon breath punch

1 bottle 7-up
1 can pineapple juice
1/2 gallon lime sherbet
1 piece dry ice

In a punch bowl add 7-up, pineapple juice and lime sherbet.
Add dry ice right before you are ready to serve.
Watch the amazing dragon breath punch come to life!!

*** When you serve, dip from the top of the bowl, do not serve from the bottom. This will avoid the dry ice sediment.

Used annually at the Fairy Tale Ball, Lakeview Elementary, Trophy Club Texas.

March 2004

Michael, 7, Trophy Club, Texas

Peaches & Cream

You will need:

1 scoop of whipped cream
2 or 3 peaches
2 medium sized spoons of sugar

How to prepare:

First you get a bowl and put your peaches in.

Then you put your whipped cream on top of the peaches.

After that you sprinkle the sugar.

All thats left to do is enjoy your "Peaches and Cream"!

February 2004

Josefina, 9, Trinidad and Tobago


1 slice of bread
1 toaster
1 butter knife
1 butter
5 bucks

Grab the bread and put it in the toaster.T hen you must wait for it to pop. Then grab your butter knife and slowly move it lightly across the butter. Then take the knife when you have butter on it, now put the butter on the bread when toasted and then eat it... the five bucks are for me.

February 2004

Mitchell, 8, Dormont, Pa U.S.A

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011