The story
Chapter one
by Karen
“Now let me see, what story shall
I tell you today?” asked Dracospeare.
Chandra, Nick, and the little dragonets,
Silverwing and Tizzy, watched excitedly as the dragon reached up
to take a story scroll off the shelf. They loved to listen to his
stories about the dragons of old and the perilous adventures they
went on.
“Let me choose!” Tizzy pushed
past Dracospeare and grabbed a scroll right at the back of the shelf.
As he pulled it out all the other scrolls tumbled down.
“Ouch!” yelled Tizzy as
two rolled-up scrolls hit him on the back of the head.
Another scroll unravelled over Dracospeare,
completely covering his eyes.
"Hmmph!” he snorted.
The others laughed and went to help their
friends pick up the scrolls.
“Hey, this isn’t a story,
it’s a map,” Chandra said as she and Nick carefully
lifted the yellowed sheet of parchment off Dracospeare’s head.
“A map? Lay it on the floor so
I can have a better look – carefully now.” Dracospeare
warned them. “It’s very old and fragile.”
Everyone crowded around as the two children
carefully spread the map out on the floor. “Wings and claws,
this is a very ancient map indeed,” exclaimed Dracospeare.
“I’ve never seen it before.”
“Look at all the strange places
marked,” said Silverwing. “There’s the Tunnels
of Time and the Unknown Lands.”
“And the Land of Monsters,”
said Tizzy.
“And the Caves of Sorcery,”
said Chandra.
“And the Land of Secrets,”
said Nick.
studied the map thoughtfully. “This is where we are,”
he pointed to a big cross on the map marked The Land of Dragons.
“So if we go through the caves we should find a tunnel to
take us to these other lands.”
“Can we go and find them, Dracospeare?
Please!” begged Silverwing.
Dracospeare looked at the eager faces
in front of him. Then he nodded slowly.
“I think we will,” he said.
“It’s time that dragons went on adventures again instead
of just reading about them.
“Yes! We’re off on an adventure!”
Tizzy and Silverwing cheered together.
“Can we come too?” asked
Chandra and Nick.
“Of course you can. We’d
be glad of your company,” said Dracospeare.
So, they packed a bag of emergency rations
and useful things to take on an adventure and off they all went.
The caves were right at the far end of
Dragonsville. They were very dark and smelt musty, as if no one
had lived in them for years. As indeed they hadn’t.
Right at the back of the caves was a long, dark tunnel. They all
set off down it, Dracospeare in the lead, breathing out fire now
and again to light the way.
There were lots of strange noises and dark shadows.
“Going on adventures is a little
bit scary,” Tizzy whispered, looking around nervously.
Suddenly the tunnel divided into two
“Which way do we go?” asked

| Follow the
left passage | Follow the right passage
| Split up | Look
in the shadows |
If you see a scroll at the
start of a chapter, it means that you are reading a version
that the pilot group voted their favourite . |
