The story
Chapter two |
Killisick Junior School, Nottingham,
“I want to
choose,” said Silverwing loudly. “I’m not scared.
I want to go right and I’m going to lead the way!”
Silverwing dashed
down the right passage with the others rushing to keep up. “I
don’t know,” gasped Dracospeare, “young dragonets
Silverwing had
slowed down and they soon caught up. It was lighter now and he was
looking at the walls as he walked. “These are all clocks,”
he called back, “and they’re spinning as I go past them.
“Is it me,”
Chandra asked Nick, “or did Silverwing sound older then?”
“I know what
you mean,” replied Nick, “but now you say it so do you.”
They looked at each other.
all getting older,” said Dracospeare quietly, “it must
be these clocks. I told you we would be having adventures. I hope
this is enough excitement for the dragonets.”
“Look at
this!” Silverwing's voice rang back to them. They ran quickly
and soon saw what had made Silverwing cry out. The tunnel was blocked
by a massive clock face that filled the whole tunnel from wall to
wall and floor to ceiling. As they looked at it in amazement, a
mouth appeared in the middle and they heard the clock sing;
“If you’re
clever enough,
and time will see.
What’s the time now -
half past two or half past three?”
“A riddle,” whispered Dracospeare,
“I’m not very good at solving these.” They looked
at each other and thought hard.
“Oh, I know the answer,”
squeaked Tizzy excitedly, jumping up and down. “I’m
starting to get hungry. That must mean it’s a long time since
lunch and so it must be half past three!”
“Well done that dragonet!”
boomed Dracospeare. He strode up to the clock and moved the hands
so that the clock read half past three. When he had done so the
whole clock started to swing back. Dracospeare looked through. “The
tunnel carries on. It’s got clocks on the walls and they’re
turning the other way. I think we need to carry on so we can get
back to our normal ages again.”
They all started along the tunnel. “Its
working!” yelled Silverwing. “I’m starting to
feel normal again.” After a while, the clocks ended and they
carried on. Suddenly, the tunnel came to an end and they walked
into a room.
Each of the three walls facing them had
a door and in front of each door stood a dragon. To their left was
a door guarded by a small dragon. The one in front of them had a
middle aged dragon and by the door to their right was an old dragon.
“What do we do now?” asked
Chandra nervously.

| Go through
the left door | Go through the middle door
| Go through the right door |
