
Letters to Dragonsville

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Kinder Elementary
Miamisburg, US

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald,
What is it like being a dragon?
I've always wanted to know. Do dragons really have wings or is it just a mith? Also I was wondering what your birthday was. I am doing a report on castles and dragons I was wondering if you could help me out? I need to know what it was like lurking around castles,
are you a trouble maker and who are your relatives. Oh by the way my name is Alli it sounds like alley when you say it. I'm at challengers it is a program for gifted children and my challengers teachers name is Mrs. Skudlarek she is really nice. my home school teachers name is Mrs.Eckhart she is also very nice. Well I have to go its time for lunch. I hope you have a great day.

Your friend,

Alli (9)

don valley
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear firetooth
My name is Maddie.
Do you live in a dungeon?
Can you please write back to me.

Maddy (9)

Austin, Texas, US

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald,

I'm writing to you again, because today I have more questions.

Number 1) Do you like to watch the sun set? I do, it's so pretty!
Number 2) Can dragons swim? If so, can all of them swim, or just some? If you can, do you like to swim? If so, are you allowed to swim in the Naming Pool?
Number 3) How many dragons do you name, as compared to how many us kids name?

Please answer my questions, I really wonder about them, and I wonder whether you answered my last letter or not, and I still think naming is and art!
Writer and Wonderer,

Sarah (10)

Austin, Texas, US

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald,
I discovered Dragonville this afternoon in computer class, and I also discovered you Naming Pool. I love to create and make up, and I've always considered something as important as naming an art. Since you are the Namer, I want to know if you do too.

Writer and Wonderer,

Sarah (10)

Bracknell, England

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear dracospeare,
I'm glad there is a dragon who loves to read write and tell stories as much as I do. At the moment I am working on a story called 'Nina and Skye'. It's about a girl who meets a dragon and they become best friends. The story is sort of like the film 'Petes dragon' have you seen it? I hope you have as it is good.

Samantha (10)

Replies from the dragons

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