
Letters to Dragonsville

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The Duke of Yorks Royal Military School
Dover, Kent, England

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald
I am writing to you because I love this website and would love to have a dragon as a pen friend. I would love to hear from you. I am in my IT lesson at the moment and I was told to write a e-mail to some-one and I chose you.
Please write back

Emma (13)

London, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Libro,
I wish I could really see you to tell you this, as it is I have to write! One of my biggest entertainments is reading too, I´ve been writing stories since I was 4 too. I think I´m quite good and my creative writing teacher says so to, so I want to publish a book I´ve written, can you give me any refrences? Or websites were I can look at publishing houses? Please?
I thought you may be able to assist me, please do!
Many gratified thank-you´s,

Nina (12)

Milton, Ontario, Canada

The Mayor
Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Mayor,
At school we have project on animals in the wild. It cannot be about extinct or mythical animals. I don't know what animal I should choose. Can you help me choose or give me some sugestions? It's about their habitat, so give me something that will give me a animal that is easy to find in formation. Thank you.


Adriane (9)

Halsowen, England

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Dracospeare
I loved your story it was great. I love story writing too; dragons are cool!
When I am older I would like to be able to write a book - I don't know if it will be as good as yours, but I will try my best.

Rosemary (10)

Ashmore State School
Southport, Queensland, Australia

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald,
Hey! Is hard to think of names of all the dragons? I found it hard to name just my cat. Do you have a book full of names to help you or do you just think of some? Your very beautiful.


Ebonie (9)

Replies from the dragons

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