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By Abbi, 8, Newcastle upon tyne, UK

Sparkle likes to pick up daisys and she likes to chase butterflys. All of her friends call her spark for short. Sparkle has travelled to loads of different places all around the world. She is very caring and kind she is also full of grace. She is 28. Sparkle meets loads of different friends and is very kind to them. Sparkle is very famous in Dragonsville because her mum is a scientist.


By Callum, 8, Newcastle, UK

Flyer loves to fly about, playing tricks on other dragons, like stink bombs in houses and putting smoke in houses. He is famous for lighting the sacred torch of the dragon. He hasn't been to any place except Dragonsville, because people would call him names, like tichy or short frie.


By Montana, 8, Newcastle, UK

Babe is a small dragon she lives with her mother and farther. Babe is yellow and orange. She has a chunky belly and she has got large hands and sharp claws.
She has got little wings that are multi- coloured. She is 2 years old she can not walk and she has got a green hat on. She has got got a long chubby tale.


By Sam, 8, Newcastle, UK

Demi is tiny and she is cute and brown eyed. she is crawling around. Demi's belly is pink.

Music dragon

By Andy, 8, Newcastle, UK

Music dragon loves to play music to lots and lots of dragons. Dragons think he is the best music dragon on the whole wide world. Music dragon is very famous.

Paint brush

By Callum, 8, Newcastle, UK

Paint brush is kind to other dragons by painting them pictures. He loves to paint lovely pictures, and hang them on his wall. Paint brush always enters the paint competion and wins with his art. He is the perfect artist.


By Andy, 8, Newcastle

Bouncy gives dragons rides where they want to go because he is the kindest dragon that was born. Bouncy has lots of friends because he bounces everywhere he goes. He is 24 years old.


By Nina, 12, London, UK

One of the most amazing dragons yet to be, Bubbleaterbe has the power greater than the most powerful wizards. Living the life of an odinary dragon, she was always gay and merry, and used her powers to heal the sick, in due time she became well known, she traveled far and wide healing and banishing the most terible diseases.


By Adriane, 9, Milton, Ontario, Canada

Seara is a water dragon. She lived in a huge sea in Dragonsville. She was known as the Water Queen. She had created the water from her own flesh. Dragons respected her for her greatness. Whenever a fellow dragon was thirsty, she gave them water. Seara is at an old age of 99 years old.

Broken Harted

By Ruth, 13, Dover, Kent, England

Broken Harted is a loved dragon even though her name might lead you astray. She has many friends and enjoys to have long chatting sessions with them. She enjoys midnight walks and loves to receive roses. Her favourite things in the world are pink roses. She also loves metting new people. She is the nicest dragon ever to walk the earth.


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