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By Emma, 13, Dover, Kent, England

Sweety is the cutest little dragon you have ever seen. He is loving and out going and always up for a good laugh. Sweety has lots af friends and is a very sociable dragon. He is also very good in school and the teachers love him. He is extremely popular with the girls in his year.I feel in love with Sweety as soon as i saw him. Theres something about Sweety which just makes everyone love him.
You can talk and laugh with sweety for ages and you will never get bored.


By Gabby, 8, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

Stella is loving, nice kind of dragon. She was born in Canada. She is there if you need help. She has many friends.
Some say she may still roam the earth somewhere in Canada. If you ever see her be sure to say thank you. Do you now why? She helps make the earth a better place to live.


By Chloe, 12, Toronto

Here is Cutie's story, Cutie is a loveable dragon, she likes to help other people and, to be nice. She was never a mean dragon, she was diffrent from some other dragons.
She had travelled before, and met alot of her friends. Everybody liked her, when she first got there, she was kind of shy, but she has alot of friends there.
Cutie gets along with other dragons very well, she is sort of shy,but after few days, she can be your best friend.
Cutie is famous in Dragonsville becuase she was number 1 helpful dragon that mostly everybody would know. Cutie always tries her best, and she is always there when you need her.

Mona & Allen

By Kayla, 10, California, US

"Mom! Where are you?" Little Allen poked his head in a cave. His mother, Mona, went to fecth some water when there was a big eathquake! After that, Allen couldn't find his mother.

"Look! There's a dragon now!" Called a knight from a distant kingdom. Allen gasped. "Oh no!" He ran as fast as he could! "Hurry up men! We can get that little nipper!" Suddenly, as the knights were approching Allen a they could hear loud roar.It was Mona! She whipped the men with her tail and swallowed all of them whole!

"Baby, I was so worried about you!" Mona said as she hugged Allen. "I was soo worried about you too mom!" Replied Allen. "Let's never be seperated again!"


By Jacey, 9, Canningvale, Australia

This is Rose. She is a very gentle dragon and loves cuddles and flowers. Her favourite colour is Pink and she loves to make baby dragons laugh. Rose is very talented in Maths, for right now she is a teacher, teaching younger dragons their maths. She enjoys flying around, and when she does, small specs of fairy dust trail in after her and when the dust lands on the floor, it turns to all kinds of flowers.


By Lashley, 13, Trinity, Florida, US

Hello, My name is Firesong. I am little Firemirths mother. You are probably wondering how I got such an interesting name, Well you see when I was little my name was Firedancer. I could make my fire form patterns, Later I tried it with music, which was a huge success, and so my name changed from Firedancer to Firesong. I am also the top instrumentalist in the Dragonville band. I work quite hard at being the best of the best because no matter what it always takes practice to become better at something and in my case to stay better then all the rest. I told little Firemirth recently he is such a happy bouncy little baby and oh so dear to me, for I am his mother and the wife to the other best instrumentalist in the Dragonville band; Firedrake. I bought little firemirth a little drum and trumpet and he showed all the ability that myself and his father firedrake showed when we were little.


By Jenna, 10, Dunbar, Scotland

Charlie is a great writer he could write all day if he wanted to. After he has finished writing a book he would sit in his big armchair and read it to himself, he was good at reading as well.
In Dragonsville there was a really big competition to see who could write the best book. Charlie has won that compation 15 years in a row, that is how good he is.
When he won he would go up to the front and get his medal and read a bit of his book. After the day was over Charlie would go home and put his medal beside his other ones. He would put them in a big glass case.


By Leasha, 10, England

McScotty is 9 years old and was born in Dragonsville. His parents were also born in Dragonsville. McScotty is one of the loudist Dragons in Dragonsville because of his bagpipes. McScotty likes to think he's the king. He has got a lot of friends and family most of them live on Dragons Street.

Prince Lawrence

By Jeffrey, 11, Guysborough,Canada

Prince Lawrence didn't want to be king of Dragonsville. A war occured and the previous King Lawrence (the 1st) died in the war and Prince Lawrence was to take the throne but just before the ceramony Prince Lawrence fell off a cliff and injured himself.


By Carly, 10, Melbourne, Australia

Bethany likes to cook for the other dragons. She travels to places by flying. She likes to help other dragons in Dragonsville if they are in trouble. Ddragons are always nice to her.


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