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By Micah, 7, Los Angeles, USA

Grumpy did not like other dragons. And dragons did not like him. He never liked the games that the dragons played. He wanted to play football with the other dragons, but the other dragons thought that the game was too rough.
He lived in a log cabin deep in the woods all by himself. He liked reading books about olden day dragons. The olden day dragons were really mean. They did not like other dragons either. The mean dragons liked football. But nobody wanted to play with them. So they played football with each other.


By Ramsay, 9, Kilbarchan, Scotland

This is Scotty, he lives in Dragonsville. He loves playing the bagpipes which he got from his great,great,great Granny who lives in Scotland. You see, when he went to vist his Granny, he learnt that he could play the bagpipes and brought a pair back to Dragonsville. Now he is famous for playing them every now and again. He is now 35 years old. Now every Summer he goes to Scotland and stays with Granny and learns more about Scotland.


By Kelsey, 8, Glasgow , Scotland

Sun Daze was named that because she stays and plays in the sun.She likes every season because in Winter she skates on the naming pool because it`s frozen.
Sun Daze likes Autumn because she can jump in piles of leaves.
She likes Spring because all the flowers come up and last of all Summer.
She likes summer because it`s hot. She goes to Unicornville every Autumn (that is a nother reason why she likes Autumn).
Her best friends are Cutie Baby and Petal.She was kind to a dragon called Artie when she was nine and Artie was two.When she was seven she saw old dragons and lit their fire.


By Katie, 8, St.Ives, Cambridgeshire, UK

Sparkle likes to play with other dragons because one day a flash went past her and it made her very, very happy! She has a very best friend. Her name is Petal. Because what happened to Sparkle happened to Petal. AMAZING!She is always telling jokes to everyone!

Magic paint

By Abbie, 8, Newcastle upon tyne, UK

Magic paint has a wonderful life with her trips all round the world. Magic paints in her favourite place - England - where she had painted a very big house. Magic paint has no temper and is only 4 years old and is very kind to other people. Magic paint is very famous because she paints all over the country. She is in New York at the minute.

Cry baby

By Meghan, 9, Newcastle upon tyne, UK

Cry baby is always crying even if you flick her but she is only a baby dragon though. Cry baby lives with her mother in a tree trunk that is magic. Cry babys mother is caled Cuddle. When Cry baby was crying she used to give him a big hug. Cry baby liked playing sleeping dragons. Cry baby is 2 years old. Cry baby and his mother has been to Spain and Manchester. Cry baby loves helping animals. Cry baby is in Spain right now.


By Rachel, 8, Newcastle, UK

Rose is a lovey dragon. She gets roses fo you if you are nice to her but if you be nasty to her she will breathe fire at you.

Hug mother

By Dean, 8, Newcastle upon tyne

If Hug mother sees anybody crying or upset she goes over and gives them a big hug. Or if somebody has hurt their feelings she she gives them a hug.


By James, 8, Newcastle upon tyne, UK

Dragonhart is the guardian of Dragonsville but if any one tried to sneak past him it would end up in a fire breathing fight.

Granny tink

By Sharna, 8, Newcastle, UK

Granny tink is very old. They call her Granny tink because she has grannys hair. She likes to do knitting. She lives right next door to cry baby. She hates all the boys but she is really kind to all the girls. The only boy she likes is cry baby.


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