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Angry Henry

By Aishwarya, 10, Mumbai, India

This is my dragon angry Henry. He has just learnt how to breathe fire and is burning the whole place down. He has made a gang with three other bad tempered dragons: Aggressive Nave, High temper Cur and Fiery Fiery!


By Jack, 11, Bury, UK

Rory has come from Scotland and plays the bagpipe he doesn't do Scottish stuff though (nobody knows why). He plays chess only, and eats peas from a can and chocolate. He drinks coke, beer and apple juice -nothing else - and hates shopping. He has a PS2 in his cave where Ramsbottom is. He stays home mostly and works. He isn't married yet because he doesn't go out much, and he eats 6 meals a day!


By Jessica, 9, Perth, Western Australia

He likes to play the flute. He`s travelled to Bali & Paris. He has been helpful to every dragon except his family relatives.He`s not really a want to know him dragon as he likes to tease dragons smaller than himself. He is famous for being the school bully and his terrible flute playing. He`s always battling knights.


By Nicola, 12, Wokingham, UK

Valintine looks sweet but she's not! Even though she loves every dragon it doesn't mean that she isn't fierce and dangerous to be with. Valintine is a fire breathing dragon and if you wind her up she will get very angry!

Sweety Pie

By Brittany, 12, Rock Hill South Carolina, US

My dragon Sweety Pie as you can see is helping a friend in need. She is always running off because she hears people crying or moping around and feels really bad so she tries with all her dragony sprit to cheer them up. Sweety Pie has been so kind since she was a little young dragon. I hope she keeps on making her friends with her niceness. She is truely the best and she will always be!


By Lee, 12, Rehoboth, Deleware, US

Amarago is a famous musician. He was born in Rycon castle. His mother was a pet of Henery the 8th. But when he began all the murders she ran away. He is freinds with the famous warrior Rootagar. He is now 55 years old. His owner is Connor Murdock. He is still living in Rycon castle.


By Jeremy, 10, Alhambra, California, US

Shyee lives by a sea and likes swimming. He is 5 years old. One day, Shyee was swimming in the sea and he saw an underwater cave. He dove under to explore the cave. In the cave, he found buried treasure from a ship wreck. He found a treasure chest. Inside was a treasure map and gold. Shyee read the map and saw that it led to big valley full of trees and flowers. He followed the trail to the valley. The map told him to go big rock near the old oak tree. On the rock was a sign that pointed to a button and said "push me." Shyee pushed and the rock split open and revealed an even greater treasure than Shyee could ever imagine.

Silli Billi

By Ellie, 10, Oldham, Manchester, England

Silli Billi has just learnt to fly by and has 3 best friends: Emerald, Emma and Ellie. He is clumsy and loves to play by the Naming Pool. He likes to talk to the Mayor of Dragonsville. He is 11.


By Eilidh, 11, Scotland

This dragon is the one that gets all the male dragons on their heels, one look and there buying her jewels! Her lovely apperance makes her the most bullied by jealous females though....and the boys dont know how to aproach her and so...at the age she is at, (11) the boys just bully her to get near her!

Rose Petal

By Joanna, 4, Los Angeles, US

Rose petal loves to play with her dragon friends. She likes giving them gifts of welcome when they just came to her town. She loved her dragon friends and she had a nice time living there. She liked playing with her friends. She played dragon jump, and she played hopscotch and she liked to give hugs and she liked to give roses to her friends. She was nine years old. Her friends were eight. She read books to her friends about castles with dragons guarding the castle and about knights fighting.


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