Chapter Five

by South Deal Primary School, Kent


The ship began to tumble and everyone was thrown across the spaceship. As they looked up they saw Scumball's face appear at the window, his finger about to flick the pink switch labelled Timestopper that had been switched at the party for the Popcorn Machine.

The spaceship came to a jolt and the space hatch opened. "Hello everyone, I hope that no one is hurt?" said Scumball.

"Th… Thank you" stammered Plink, who thought he could still feel the spaceship falling.

"An excellent invention, this Timestopper, no need to thank me!" replied Scumball.

"There must be something we can do?" said Pazaz.

"Well…." Scumball took a step forward and then suddenly fell to the floor with a loud crash.

"Ouch!" shouted Scumball.

The Pinkerellians and Daisy slowly looked at each other and then to Scumball lying in a heap on the floor. The paper bag that Daisy was holding had torn when the spaceship started to fall and now Scumball was surrounded by small pink pear drops.

Scumball picked up a pear drop and popped it into his mouth.

"Yumm, these are delicious! What are they?"

"They are pear drops," explained Daisy.

Scumball sucked harder and looked at Daisy

"As a reward for saving you, I want the recipe for these pear drops," he demanded. "We are going to win the Rose Cup!" His voice was triumphant .

The Pinkerellians looked worriedly at each other. Daisy took a step forward and held out her hand to help Scumball up

"Of course you can have the recipe," replied Daisy. "It is the least we can do."

Daisy quickly wrote the recipe down on a piece of pink Pinkerellian paper and gave it to Scumball.

"Good luck," said Daisy.

"See you at the competition tomorrow" called Scumball as he left through the hatch and went back to his own spaceship.

"Why did you give Scumball the recipe?" asked Plink shaking his head. "We'll never win the Rose Cup now!"

"Don't worry!" said Daisy confidently and gave everyone a reassuring smile.

The next day, everyone gathered to see who would win the Rose Cup. The Pinkerellians had worked all night on the pear drops trying to get exactly the pink colour that they wanted.

A hush fell as Scumball stood up and held up a small pink velvet bag. Everyone in the crowd had heard about Scumball's amazing pink peardrops and were eager to try them. Scumball carefully took a pear drop from the bag and dropped it into his mouth. The silent crowd stared at Scumball and then…..


Scumball vanished into a cloud of pink, pear-smelling smoke. The Pinkerellians turned to Daisy, who explained to them that she had given Scumball a secret recipe that made you vanish as you sucked on the sweet. The Pinkerellians smiled and shared out the pear drops that they had made. Everyone agreed that they were delicious and a beautiful shade of pink.

Daisy smiled to herself as she held the Rose Cup and remembered the amazing adventure that she had shared with the intergalactic travelling salesmen.

The End

Start the story again

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last amended 6th October 1999