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Stephanie's icey cool drink!

1 cup of mashed ice (very mashed)
1/2 cup of any kind of pop (or juice)

Then put the ice into a cup - you can have as much ice as wanted and then put the pop or juice in but you make the chioce if there is too much pop or not! Then you drink!!!!! (November 2004)

Stephanie, 12, USA.

Sir Bob's Spicy Chicken Soup!

Three chicken legs cut up (without the bones)
1 liter of water.
Two tomatoes
6 garlic onions
spices and jalepeno's
1 Bottle of Volcano Hot Sauce
2 Cups Olive Oil

Pour liter of water into bowl. Add 1 Cup of Olive Oil and two tomatoes. Stir for two minutes. Add garlic oninons (cut them up first) and any spices. Next, squeeze the jalepenos juice out of them and stir it into the mix. Pour Volcano Hot Sauce into the mixture and add tomatoes (cut them up first).

Now warm up soup in microwave for 4 minutes and you have a delicious Sir Bob's Spicy Chicken Soup (October 2004)

Bob, 13, Durham, North Carolina, USA

Banana smoothy

1 and a half bananas
a tablespoon and a half of golden syrup
2-3 cups of milk
a half a cup of ice
2 tablespoons of sugar

Peel the bananas and chop them up, put them in a bowl, add other ingredients, blend together, and enjoy.
Serves 3-5 people.
(October 2004)

Maddy and Racheal, 11, Vic, Australia

Chicken medieval

3 1-pound chickens
1 cup of broth
10 bay leaves
2 leeks

Cook at 375 degrees farenheight for 2-3 hours
Serve with bread, on a trencher
(October 2004)

Shanna, 11, Boerne, TX, USA

Dessert from heaven.

Two cupcakes
a table spoon of sugar

Get two cupcakes and put syrup and ice-cream on top.
Get your tablespoon and put sugar on it (Lord and Lady Sherwood
love sugar).
And Enjoy!!!!!
(October 2004)

Kelsey, 8, Glasgow, Scotland

Fish on a Fish Dish

2c flour
1c salt
3c water
2c sugar

Pour all ingredients into a bowl.
Stir well.
Roll dough out.
Use cookie cutter to make fish shaped pieces.
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.
Take out and let cool for 5 minutes.
Frost to decorate.
Arrange on a plate.
(October 2004)

H.C., 11, San Antonio, TX, USA

The Great Pumpkin Cookies

4 C. flour
2 C. oatmeal
2 tsp. soda
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. salt
1/2 C. butter or margarine
2 C. brown sugar, packed
1 C. white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1-16 oz. can punpkin
1 C. raisins (or nuts)

Combine flour, oats, soda, cinnamon and salt; set aside. Cream butter and sygar; beat until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla. Add pumpkin and dry ingredients alternately to the creamed mixture; stir in raisins or nuts. Bake at 350 degrees Farenheit for 20 to 25 minutes. Decorate with icing or peanut butter, topping with assorted candy, raisins or nuts.
(October 2004)

Candy, 14, Orlando, Florida, United States

Smart Biscuits for smart kids

Make 4 kg of dough
Put 3 packets of smarties in the dough
Mix all ingredients together
Cook for about 15-18 minutes until golden brown
Let them cool down
Then eat these smart but yummy biscuits
Makes heaps
(October 2004)

Ashlee, 11, Queensland, Australia

Chocolate Milk Shake

1 cup of chocolate ice cream
Then add 1 cup of milk
Stir together
Then add 3/4 of half and half
Stir together
Pour 1/2 cup of sugar in
Stir together
Now you have a chocolate milk shake
(October 2004)

Elizabeth, 10, Maryland, USA

Ice-cream soup

melted chocolate.

get some vanilla ice-cream, cold water 1 cup, 1 cup of sugar, and the melted chocolate in the bowl and mix together and enjoy.
(October 2004)

Michaela, 11, Blackwood, Australia

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011