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Summer Sweet Watermelon Treat (S.S.W.T)

Pieces of watermelon (the amount depends on how much you want to make)
teaspoon of sugar (optional)
any citrus (oranges, lime, lemon etc.)
Strawberries (needed less then watermelon)
A cup
A blender


First get the watermelon you need, ice, and 1 or 2 strawberries if you are making 1 cup for yourself, blend in blender for about 10-30 seconds... or just wait until the watermelon is swift and thick... DO NOT blend too much or you will make your watermelon ALL watery! Taste a little and if you wish, add the sugar. Pour into a cup and maybe add a few more blocks of ice. Make little citrus shavings and drop them into your S.S.W.T, stick a straw and slurp away! (Most cool in the summer...)

(October 2003)

Hannah, 11, Florida, USA

Marmite cushions

2 slices of bread
1 beaten egg
Splash of milk
Pinch of salt

Mix the milk with the egg and salt.

Spread marmite thinly on the bread slices and cut in half.

Dip the bread in the beaten egg mix.

Ask an adult to melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the bread slices until golden brown.

I like mine served with crispy bacon.

(November 2003)

Richard, 7, Southport, UK

Friday fish suprise

1 large cod, deboned and skinned,
4 juicy tomatoes,
6 leaves of lettuce,
1 chopped cucumber

Cook the cod until it begins to go flakey

Cut the tomatoes into quarters. Put the lettuce onto a plate, then put the pre-chopped cucumber and the tomato peices around the dish.

When the fish is done, put it in the middle of the bed of lettuce is.

Dish serves 5 people, depending on the size of the fish.

(November 2003)

Anthony, 11, Hutton Rudby, England

Baked apple

1. Wash your hands then wash your apple
2. Take the core out of the apple and slit around the skin of the apple.
3. Put the apple in the baking tray and fill the centre of the apple with suger, syrup, raisins and sugar.
4. Put a tablespoon of water in the bottom of the baking tray.
5. Turn the oven on and place the tray in the oven.
6. When ready, take out of the oven and leave to cool down.
7. Eat it with cream or icecream.

(November 2003)

Natalie, 12, Stokesley, England

Potato Tonight

sour cream
chicken breast

First take your potato and boil it in a pot. Then get a parent to take it out when it is done. then slice the potato. Take a baking tray and lay a layer of potato slices. Then put lay a layer of sour cream and then a layer of cheese and then a layer of breast of chicken. Then lay the potatoes, sour cream, cheese and chicken and another layer of cheese. Put it in the oven and cook for 25 to 30 minutes.

(October 2003)

Shweta, 13, Australia

Cherry and Banana Tumbling

2 full big bowls of cheries
5 big bananas
4 pinches of salt
2 1/2 cups of tropical juice

You need to take the 2 big bowl of cherries and wash them, and take the pips out. Then take the 5 big bananas and take the peel off, cut them up and add them to the cherries. Mix the salt in with the cherries and bananas. Take the tropical juice and put in with the bananas and the cherries, finally put it in the freezer then take it out after about 10 minutes and ENJOY!!!!!!

(October 2003)

Audriana, 12, Wellington, United States

Ham tortellini with nutty herb sauce

500g ham and cheese tortellini
60g butter
1 cup (100g) walnuts,chopped
2/3 cup(100g)pine nuts
2 tablespoons finely chopped freash flat-leaf parsley
2 tablespoons chopped freash thyme
1/4 cup(60g)freash ricotta
1/4 cup(60ml) thick cream

1)Cook the pasta in a large saucepan of boiling water until al dente. Drain and return to the pan. Meanwhile, heat the butter in a frying pan over medium heat until foaming. Add the walnuts and pine nuts and stir for 5 minutes, or until golden brown. Add the parsley and thyme and season to taste

2)Beat the ricotta and cream together. Add the nutty sauce to the pasta and toss. Divide among serving bowls and top with the ricotta cream.

(October 2003)

Sylvia, 12, Liverpool, England

A King's Cake

A king's cake is a very complicated recipe. The ingredients you will need are: 14 eggs, 4 pounds of sugar, 4 pounds of flour, 8 tsp. of salt, 4 packets of chocolate, peanut butter, and butter scotch chips,and vanilla extract.

The method that I use is top secret, but I believe I can share it with you. You MUST stand on the 8th step of a ladder and drop the ingredients from the top. I always put the dry ingredients in first then the liquid ingredients in last.

When you bake this cake you should make sure you have a lot of time because it is very time consuming. You need to bake it for 5 hours because it is a very large cake, and is fit for a king. Make sure you use vanilla frosting and sprinkles.

(October 2003)

Shelby, 12, Wellington, USA

Curly Cue Bagels

1 bagel
6 cheese slices
2 cooked meat slices of your choice

Lay cheese then meat then sprinkle oregano on bagel.
Put bagel in oven on 365 degrees and wait until meat starts to curl up then take the bagel out of the oven.

September 2003

Victoria, 13, London, Ontario, Canada

Chicken curry

2 kg of chicken
2 teaspoons of mild curry powder
1 teaspoon of hot curry powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
teaspoon of sugar
2 teaspoons of tumeric

1. Put a pot on the stove and heat it up to high
2. Wash and clean chicken before puting in the pot
3. After doing that and after chicken is cooked a bit you add your curry powders and salt and sugars.
4. After that's all nicely cooked enjoy and eat!!!!!
September 2003

Nicole, 12, Sydney, Australia

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011