
Letters to Dragonsville

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Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, US

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald,
You must have to name a lot of dragons. I read an amazing book about an amazing dragon named Aragon. She was a heroic dragon. I think you should name one of your dragons Aragon.

Sarah (11)

Ashmore State School
Southport, Gold Coast, Australia

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Libro,
How are you today? I'm well. I've got a few questions for you. What is it like in Dragonsville, and what is it like being a dragon? Another question is, how long do dragons live for? I think your really cool and smart. See you later, please write back.

Ebonie (9)

West Hartford, Conneticut, US

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Libro,
Hi!I love to read. I like fantasy, sci-fi and history. I like to research history on the internet.
Libro, I think Libro is a really cool name! I have 2 questions for you. What is your favorite subject? And can you share some of your knowledge with us? I really admire you,Libro. You are one of my favorite dragons!

Your friend,

Amber (9)

Monseaton High School
Newcastle, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Dracospeare,
Hi my name is Rhiannon. I would just like to ask you if you weren't a dragon what would you be? If i wasn't a child I would be a dragon. (Well I wish.) Is it fun being a dragon?
Hope to hear from you soon

Rhiannon (13)

St Mary's

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Firetooth,
Im very sorry to bother you but we're doing a mini project in our class. We got to chose what to do it about. Me and my best friend Rachel (Who is very sick at the moment) have decided to write about the dragons in Dragonsville because we believe it is real. Our first chapter is going to be about you and we need to know all about you. Please can you tell us your age, best friends, what you like doing, your favourite food, where you live and do you have any parents?
Thank you for all your time,
Hope to hear from you soon,
Yours sincerely,

Derry (10)

Replies from the dragons

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