
Letters to Dragonsville

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Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald,
Thank you for the letter. I also like Jewel names as well as Nadia. I'm always looking forward to looking at the letters you send me. It's always exiting getting letters from you and it's fun writing letters back. I really like dragons and would like to collect dragon statues (the ones with crystals in). My mum wont let me though because they are too expensive. It's been lovely writing to you again. Please write back to me soon bye.

Giorgina (9)

Luckwell Primary School
Ashton, Bristol, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Greentoes,

Whats it like to be famous?
If you had another choice of jobs what would it be?

Ellisha (9)

Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Dracospeare,
What was the first story you ever wrote? I really like going on Dragonsville. Are you a real dragon? I like dragons alot. My best dragon is you, Dracospeare. How many stories have you wrote altogether? How many years have you been writing stories? Please write a letter back to answer all my questions.

Samuel (7)

Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald
Thank you for the letter. Could I ask you another question what is your favourit name? I like the name Nadia. Not long ago I was on the games on Dragonsville and remembered the letter I sent you, and when I looked to see if you wrote me one back I was so pleased.

Love from

Giorgina (9)

Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Outside Kids' Castle

Dear Emerald
I love naming dragons. I bet you lke it too. I would like to ask you a question.
Who was the first dragon you ever named and what did you name it? If you could answer please do. I also like going on Dragonsville it's really fun. I come on it nearly every day. I not long wrote a dragon biography. I really liked doing a life of a dragon.

Giorgina (9)

Replies from the dragons

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