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Paintie Pie Picasso

By Harriet, , London, UK

Paintie Pie Picasso loves to paint. He likes to paint the countryside and when he puts his hand onto his painted wall he goes straight through it. Once he painted a fairground and he went on the roller-coaster and the merry go round and had a wonderful time. He bumped into a clown and asked if he could teach him a magic trick. The magic trick was to juggle with magic wands.
One of the wands worked a spell and it span round and round like a vortex and then Paintie Pie and the clown found themselves sitting on a roller coaster.
From the top of the roller coaster they could see the whole of the world. Paintie Pie could see the place where he was born. It was Dragonsville.


By Ebonie, 9, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Jimmy's favourite thing to do is to play his cello to the town. Just so people walk past and listen to the beautiful music he makes from his cello. He has been to Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong. He is very helpful. Once, he saved a little rabbit from a fox and he has saved a deer from a fire. Jimmy gets along quite well with other dragons. He has lots of friends and he is very kind. He is very famous in Dragonsville for his beautiful cello playing. He at least gets 10 dollars from every person that walks past!


By Amber, 9, West Hartford Conneticut, US

Draco is a very brave dragon. He is one of Dragonsville's heroes. Draco helps everyone who is in danger or needs help. He helps everyone except those who are bad and evil. He is friendly and kind, and VERY caring, as you can see!
He likes to play with young dragons, and all the female dragons think he is handsome, but he already has a girlfriend. She is called Shyla.


By Katrina, 9, Cardiff, Wales

Arty is an amazing dragon who is famous for many things. He has won awards for many different things. Like the national flying competion, for bravely fighting the horrible bog monster, and for many more things. But the main thing that made him very famous was when he made a picture come to life. A young dragonet was dying when Arty came along with his magic art set and drew a picture of a extremly good doctor. The doctor just stepped out the picture and that is why he was famous. He gets along very well with every dragon in Dragonsville. He is the best and most famous dragon ever.


By Alisha, 6, Cardiff, Wales

Run is a nice dragon that saves everyone if they are in danger because of mean bad dragons. Run is famous because once he won a really big race over 25 miles. He does lots of sports and is good at writing books as well. All the girls in his school class really like him and all the boys want to be his best friend. But his worst enemy is Kinner, a bad dragon, who killed a famous dragon once. Run only goes to school on Friday because he is too famous.


By Immie, 11, Henley-on-Thames, UK

Jinc is the King dragon's jester. He was chosen to be the jester when he was just a junior dragon, because one day Jinc was playing and the King came past and thought he was hilarious and so he was the jester. He was born in the Himalayas and now travels everywhere with the King. His parents used to be very poor but now he is the jester, Jinc and his family are better off. They spend their money wisely.


By Fraser, 8, Henley-on-Thames, UK

Sparkles is 5 dragon years old. There are 2 human years to every one dragon year, so Sparkles is really 10! She loves flowers, especially roses. She's pink because her favourite colour is pink. She was born blue but dived into a tub of pink staining dye. When she came out she was so pleased because she was mostly pink. (Her green bits stayed green.) She has a baby brother called Whissma. But Sparkles and Whissma are orphans. And they are looked after by friends.


By Zoe, 11, Linconshire, UK

Bookmark was born on 23/01/1993. Bookmark is always reading and is a know it all. He always corrects his friends and family. He tries not to correct his teacher. Bookmark always gets full marks on tests.


By Nina, 7, Milton Keynes

Fireball is a willing, caring assistant for when you need some fire around and other times. She will hug her friends until her tummy goes red and they go all warm. She has a trumpet that is golden and only Fireball can use it. Fireball has lots of friends to take care of. She blows her golden trumpet for her friends when they want. When she blows through her trumpet fireballs come out and her friends call them spitballs. Fireballs trumpet is very special to her as her Nanny gave it to her just before she went to heaven.


By Clare, 11, Yeovil, UK

Jasper is full of bounce. His mum reckons, if he was a little boy, he'd always have muddy knees and his shirt would always be covered in mud and paint.
He is a snatch king. If you leave a chocolate biscuit anywhere, it's his!
He loves his little sister, Amy Lou, and looks after her. His younger brother is not as bright as him and Jasper is sometimes in despair because he can't get William to follow the simplest instructions. Jasper is currently teaching William how to chase sheep!


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