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Curly Cuddles

By Samantha, 10, Bracknell, England

Curly cuddles is very young - only about 50 years old - and is famous for her hugs. Whenever anyone is upset she goes to them and gives them a big hug to make them feel better. Curly never forgets a birthday and if she can't afford anything she gives the birthday dragon a hug. If people give her money she puts a bit away, spends some on food and gives what's left to charity. So you see she is very nice.


By Nicola, 10, Victoria, Australia

Morlin the Dragon was a famous astrologer.
He was also a rare breed of Dragon. In fact he was half normal dragon, and half Komodo Dragon.
Morlin was born in 402, before real time began.
He was an avid reader, and took a fancy in the arts at a young age.
Morlin's first job was at the first ever library, which was his idea.
His second job was at the local labratory where he discovered the cure for flamatopox, which caused the host hot scales. It had never really caused any problems, except using a cream from the hot rose. Tragically this cream ran out in 595.
Morlin then took an fancy in astrology, and took off to the moon in 711. He hasn't been seen since. But you may see his flame at night, as he takes off to stargaze Venus.

Whispering Emerald

By Ashlea, 14, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Whispering Emerald looks like a dragon who reads all the time. She does, but is the wisest of all known. She isn't very old (only 140 years old) so the older dragons scoff at her. Even though, she knows alot more than they would. She is respected and wise and is kind and understanding to all. She enjoys lots of sports and playing with children. Her favourite colour is white, the colour of purity. She hardly has a temper but will if necessary get angry and defend herself or anyone.

Beauty Roses

By Ellen, 7, Swindon, UK

This dragons name is Beauty Roses and she was called Beauty Roses because she eats roses and is beautiful. Her favourite trick is the flying fast course because she loves flying. She won the beauty contest and stopped eating roses and lived on daisy's but soon got tired of that and started eating roses again.


By Ashlen, 8, Hilands Ranch , Colorado US

Afradragon is the overseer of love. If something goes wrong with a love scene she fixes it. She is famous for making the rain stop on Gordes wedding day.


By Laura, 11, Adelaide, Australia

Rosefire is very sweet and LOVES lollies especially marshmallows. She is 40 years old and she likes red, blue, yellow, green, pink and purple dragons.


By Katie, 8, Adelaide, Australia

Firestorm is very intelligent dragon. He can swim, fly, cycle, climb and run REALLY fast. He was once in a famous rock and roll band called 'the flames'. His favorite foods are chip butties, wedges with sour cream, cheese and bacon rolls and croissants.


By Ivan, 5, Perthshire, Scotland

Barney the bagpipe player lived a long long time ago. He played the bagpipes very well and all the other dragons came to listen to him. They always had a party when the music was playing and they danced all night and played all day long. They had a midnight feast where they ate chicken and chocolate (their favorite food) and they loved drinking different kinds of juices. Barney's favourite game was tartan dragons and dumpers. They also ate paper and carrots which made them sleepy then all flew home to bed and went to sleep. The next morning Barney would play again with his friends and they all danced again.

Willy McFire

By Michael, 8, Surrey, UK

Willie McFire, the famous bagpipe player from the shores of Loch Dragon in the wilds of Scotland, likes to live on his own so he can practice his bagpipes in peace. His favourite food is haggis, and his favourite activity - after bagpipe playing - is swimming. Having grown up by a Loch he is very good at this and has won many competitions, as with his bagpipe playing. Dragons from far and wide come to hear the famous music of the Scottish dragon, and he likes nothing more than performing to an audience!


By Ebonie, 9, Southport, Queensland, Australia

Trent's favourite thing to do is to read. He loves reading chapter books and fact books. He has travelled around the world reading books from other countries. He's been very helpful to another dragon before. Once, he told him the directions to the Cave of Fame, and of course, Trent just read the map! He likes lots of dragons and has heaps of friends. They always hang out on the rocks doing something, for Trent it would be reading as usual. This dragon is famous in Dragonsville for his great helping of finding places. It is very unusual if you don't find him reading!!


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