Index of resources for Monster Motel
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to Monster Motel are temporarily closed due to matters beyond our
control. You can continue to use the rest of the site and all its
activities freely. We are very sorry that we have had to take this
step. Human editors check every word before it is published on this
site and, while we do not wish to discourage young writers, the
unpleasant actions of too many students make it necessary to restrict
access to the submissions forms.
more information, especially if you are a teacher for whom the publication
of monsters is vital, please contact us at
site - which is run voluntarily on a nonprofit basis - has become
too large for one or two volunteers to manage all its editing. Helpers
Year 3 Term 2
Fiction: Myths, legends, parables &
fables (Whole Term Objective)
Year 5 Term 2
Fiction: myths, legends parables &
fables (Objective 11)
Year 3 Term 2
Non-fiction: Instructions - recipes I
(Objective 16)

Year 5 Term 1
Non-fiction: Writing Instructions
(Objective 25)