The online and printable resources on Kids on the Net are free.
We also offer a range of additional services to help you make
the most of new media writing.
Workshops in School
| Library and Community Projects |
Online Workshops and Courses | INSET
| Portfolio of projects
Workshops in your school
Our experienced practitioners can deliver writing workshops for
pupils within school. We can cater for any needs from an hour-long
taster to a full residency of several days or weeks.
Example workshops: Adventure
Island: Create an online island
that other people can visit and explore. Pupils create challenges
and puzzles for the visitor to solve. (offered at Key Stage 1,
Key Stage 2, Transition from Yr 6 to Yr 7, Key Stage 3 or Key
Stage 4). Cash in on the students' interest in "Lost" to create
their own island mystery!
on school workshops
Library and Community projects
We can also offer workshops in libraries, for arts and literature
festivals and other community settings. They can be tailored to
literature development, encouraging reading and/or writing, or
as part of a wider initiative. As well as children we have worked
with groups from pensioners to amateur writers.
Example workshops: Teeth
and Dead Cats workshop for Key Stage 2 pupils as
part of the Nottingham Book Award: Hypertext
Haiku for ages from 12 upwards
See portfolio
of projects

Online Workshops &
We can work with teachers and/or pupils online, creating a bespoke
project and providing online feedback and support for teachers.
We can arrange fully online courses for older children, groups
of teachers or other adults.
Example workshops: Daisy
and the Intergalactic Travelling Salesmen, working
with writer Jamila Gavin and online with 28 schools in the UK,
America and Australia. Pirongia
School's Dragon Naming Competition We worked with
a school in New Zealand: Simon Widdowson judged a mini-competition
for their dragon names as part of Dragonsville (see the teacher's
report here).
See portfolio
of projects
