Bethan, 11
Yes, yes, that’s
right!” I cried down the phone.
It was a horrible day. I
was just about to leave the house that morning, when my dog, Digby,
shot out. Distraught as I was, I plucked up the courage to phone
an animal centre for help. Just as I had replaced the phone, I turned
to see Digby in the doorway. In his mouth was a crumpled up piece
of paper. I edged towards him, anxious to see the sheet of paper.
Digby whimpered. I knew he was excited.
Two days later, I trudged
out of the front door, a suitcase in one hand and Digby’s
leash in the other. The piece of paper was a map to a secret island,
and all I had to do was find a blue gate with a red handle. With
bribery like the map, I would have no problem finding it. Describing
a beautiful bay made me feel more determined than ever and, for
some reason, I didn’t have any doubts. As I turned a corner,
a marvellous surprise awaited me. Blue gate, red handle! I had found
it. Reaching for the handle I felt silly. All of a sudden I went
dizzy and began to fall… “Ouch!”
Landing on soft gold sand
came as a fright. The sea slapped at the shore. I had arrived!