Your Kids on the Net Hypertext Story

The Planet of Dreams

Chapter Two

written by Gemma,
Tabubil International School, Papua New Guinea

The children pass by beautiful shrubs and bushes. Suddenly a loud crack catches there attention it sounds like a whip hitting something.


Out of the shadows comes a mysterious beast with hair of silver. It doesn’t look to friendly it starts rolling around as if it’s mad. Then it bursts out a flaming ball of fire. The children duck for cover the flame barely misses the spot where they are hiding.

Dino screams “GO AWAY!” and the beast disappears into thin air.

They wander around and around until it appears they are lost. Then a huge building sprouts out of the ground. A sign it says the Dreaming Hotel.

A small figure crawls out of the darkness “Welcome my friends” he says.

“I am Merlin owner of this motel and you are welcome to stay and live here”.

But just as suddenly a figure jumps out of the darkness.

“Hi I’m Suzie, and you are welcome to come and stay at my hotel. It is much grander than Merlin’s. It’s the one over there, it’s called the Water Palace”.

The children decide to go with Suzie.

“Okay “ says Emily “we would be delighted to stay at the Water Palace”.

They enter the grand hotel and Suzie tells them they can choose their rooms. The children spy a small door and enter. Inside there are millions of other doors. But they like the look of the purple door and the red door.

Which door will you choose?

The Purple Door


Planet of Dreams: choose another story

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©2002 Helen Whitehead and David Clayton for Kids on the Net