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An Unordinary Night

By Rob, 14

The trees veered left and right as Abigail tried to steady her driving. The sky was dark and threatening. Lightning flashed overhead, followed by the roar of thunder. Rain splattered down in heavy sheets upon the windshield. Abigail looked at her fuel gauge; it was close to empty.
"I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere," she thought as she scanned the unfamiliar terrain. The trees were bathed with shadows.
Suddenly, with a cough, the Runner as she called it, jerked to a stop.
"Empty," she thought with a sigh.
She opened the door and stepped out. Abigail was soaked in seconds. The ground squished under her feet. She squinted, in hopes that she could see through the rain, but to no avail.
Trees surrounded her and she tried to keep herself on the road so she wouldn't lose her way. She had to find some help.
She saw a light ahead behind a small group of trees.
Abigail started to move quickly toward the light. As she approached the lighted area, the rain began to stop. A tad nervous, Abigail approached more cautiously. She passed the last trees and stared at the primitive dwellings that appeared.
To the left, to the right and ahead of her, creatures were bunched together in small groups. They had not noticed Abigail. They were chatting among themselves in a language that she could not understand. Most of them were small, with several larger ones watching over them. The small ones were dressed in a wild array of clothing. Some of the small ones were covered with a white, fibrous sheet, with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Others had green faces, were wearing black and held long sticks with dried withered bushes stuck to the end. Still others dressed in a variety of indescribable shapes and figures.
They were all carrying bags that were filled with unknown substances. The creatures kept looking into the bags, if as they contained something important. Suddenly, as if by some sixth sense, they turned toward Abigail. They started to move in her direction, gesturing and yelling loudly. It was a mob! Abigail had seen something she was not supposed to see, so they were going to kill her! She screamed and turned, scared for her life and started to run for the runner. As she ran, Abigail tripped over something hard. She grabbed it, intending to throw it at the mob. They were too close! Abigail tightened her grip on the object and sprinted into the trees.
Her breathing got heavy as she struggled to run faster. Trees passed Abigail in shapeless blurs. Wham! Her breath was knocked out of her. She looked up. It was the Runner!
Abigail quickly climbed aboard. She could hear the creatures behind her, coming closer with every breath. How was Abigail going to leave? She had no more fuel. Frantic, Abigail looked into the bag she had stumbled over. Imagine her surprise, when she discovered the bag contained enough chocolate to take her back to her own solar system!
Quickly, Abigail dumped the fuel into the injector tank and started the engine. As the creatures ran onto the street, shouting in their alien tongue, she put the Runner into hyperspace. Abigail had escaped!
The silver, chrome ship rose up into the atmosphere. Hovering a moment to build up speed, it shot into the night sky, streaking away in a flame of light. At its controls, sat a little blue alien, heading home. From this very unordinary night.

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Last revised: 27 May 2001