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peanut butter smoothie

You will need:
1) Peanut butter
2) tsp of Vanilla
3) 1 to 2 bananas
4) milk
5) 1 to 2 eggs
6) blender


Take the blender and add as much peanut butter as you want to make 1 to 2 cups of the smoothie & put it into the blender. Then put a teaspoon of vanilla into the blender, then add the the 1 or 2 eggs into the blender. Now, add the milk into the blender, you might want fill the blender half way. Now add the banana(s)
...when you add the bananas make sure you slice the bananas. If you want 4 cups add twice as much of the ingredients. (July 2003)

Isabel, 12, West Chicago,IL

Fruit Tower(s)

watermelon cut up in quarters
grapes (peeled or regular)
cantalope cut up in quarters
pineapple cut up in quarters
tooth picks
Put the cut up watermelon in a circle, then stick toothpicks on top of each watermelon piece. Then stick the cantelope pieces in the toothpicks. After that, stick toothpicks on the sides of the cantelope so they stick together. You keep on doing that till you've used up all of the fruit. If you wish, you can add a half of an apple or something inside of the tower(s), at the bottom. Enjoy!
*Note: You don't have to use the fruit listed above or that same order, you can use any type of fruit that isn't real mushy and in any order. If you make more then one fruit tower, you can stick them all together with toothpicks to make a fruit castle. (July 2003)

Hannah, 11, Florida, Usa

Toad in the chicken

toad, chicken, carrots, lettuce, potatoes, mayonaise, butter and peas.

Firstly take a chicken and pull of all the feathers.
next take a sharp knife and cut off the chickens head and legs - these can later be thrown to the dogs.
Take the chicken and put over the fire and leave until fully cooked.

Take a toad and cover with butter.
put the toad over the fire and leave until fully cooked.

using all the vegetables make a fresh salad.
use the salad to stuff the chiken - leaving space for the toad.
add the toad to the stuffing and eat.
(July 2003)

Charlotte, 9, Chelmsford, Essex, UK


Take lots of fruits and vegetables,then you cut them up and put them into a big bowl then get salad dressing and por it over the salad. Now you got salad. (July 2003)

Jason, 10, Ontario,Canada


Toast 2 pieces of potato bread.
Spread them with mayonnaise.
Put 3 cooked bacon strips, lettuce, tomato and, if you want, cheese in between the bread.
(April 2003)

Jacqueline, 12, Greeley , USA

Battering Ram

To Make The Battering Ram All you need is a few pieces of celery, peanut butter, and raisins (if you want you can add M&M or marshmellows). Take two pieces of celery and the peanut butter and spread it on the celery. Put the raisins M&M and Marshmellows in the celery and stick the two pieces together.

Have Fun Ramming it into your mouth!

(July 2003)

Sam , 11 , Tampa, USA

Hannah's strawberry smoothies

1 cup of ice
5 cups of strawberries
1 tablespoon of sugar
2 cups of milk

Blend all of these things in a blender and serve with an umbrella or a strawberry stuck on the side of the cup. (April 2003)

Hannah , 11, Florida, USA

The Medieval Soup

You get out a bowl and you put 3 Tomatoes and 5 potatoes and then you put chicken soup in it and then you heat it up and when it is done heating it up you get to eat it. (July 2003)

Jacqueline, 9, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Boiling Potato Stew

3 potatoes
2 cups of water
1 large pot
1 carrot, thinly sliced
a handful of beans
handful of corn

Boil the water in the pot. Then, cook and mash potatoes. Add the beans and corn to water. Add potatoes and carrot slices. simmer for 15 minutes, then enjoy! (April 2003)

Swawan, 10, Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Cheese and Crackers

Take some cheese(orange or yellow) and crackers. Cut the cheese in squares and put it on the crackers. Put it on a plate and pop it in the microwave. Keep it in the microwave for 30 sec. Take it out of the microwave and......... BONAPPETITE!!!!!!!!!! (July 2003)

Diana, 9, Montreal, Canada

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Last amended 09-Jul-2011