EEK! Stories to Make You Shriek 7: A Very Strange Doll's House

Jennifer Dussling & Simon Cooper (Illustrator)


Would you like to write a spooky story?

Imagine you and your friends have been invited to spend the night in a very spooky house.
Would you go?
Even if there were rumours of ghosts of strange goings-on?
But there's no such thing as a ghost is there?

You don't believe in ghosts do you? Imagine you and your friends have arrived at the house. The huge Victorian mansion looms over you as you walk up the drive, close together for comfort. You open the big studded door and find yourself in a large Hall. Cobwebs hang over heavy ancient furniture.

Describe the house as you explore it. Where will you sleep?

When you've written your story send it to Kids on the Net and we'll publish the best!

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