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Devil's Lair from Melbourn Primary School

They come across a lake and look around it to see if they can find the rare plant that is poisonous to the spiders.

They see a shiny object in the water.

Barry still has his tank full and is inquisitive to find out what the shiny object is so volenteers to go and fetch it.

While he is getting closer to the object, he sees a school of paranahs swimming towards him. One bites his oxygen tank so he releases it and the piranahs attack it viciously.

While the piranah's attention is elsewhere, Barry swims away as fast as he can and dives down for the shiny object which is a diamond.

At the same time he sees a plant that is similar to the one on the map. He grabs a handfull and, as he climbs onto the bank, he sees the spiders approching so he throws all of the plants, except for one which he puts into his pocket, and they all head west.

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