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Devil's Lair from Melbourn Primary School

Barry and Larry are being pushed into the village of the tribe.

   Seeing their mum, dad, Ruby and Gary tied upside down on wooden poles, they gasp with fright.

   Barry and Larry get taken to the chief.

Larry trys to speak to the chief showing their big glistening diamond and pointing at their family, but the chief doesn't understand.

   Larry quickly draws symbols in the sand with his finger. It was of the diamond with an arrow to the family.

   The chief nods and unties the family. They exchange the diamond for their family and run to the beach where they see their motor cruiser moored in the bay.

As they start to make their way into the water they hear the sound of drums and the tribe getting closer.

The family swim as fast as they can, reaching and climbing aboard their boat.

   The tribe are too late!Dad is starting the engines and the boat zooms away.

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