By Anya, 11
My eyes glistened in outraged anger like the eyes of a bull in the bull-ring which seemed to shout out die, die, you're only a mammal die, die. I was not moving. It seemed casual now that I was tied to a tree. I wasn't a famous picture that everyone knew anymore, I just blended into that tall, oak. That's all I seemed to do.
Just that moment a limousine which looked like a shiny black bulldozer ready to rip down the trees that gave life to the generations of birds and animals whizzed around the round-about corner. It seemed to kick the 'smaller' cars off the road saying each time; 'I'm the only one worthy of this road.'
The limousine skidded to a grinding halt. A man wearing a black cap stepped out and opened the unusually large door behind him. Another man got out. He was rather chubby with a fat, round cigar that he occasionally shoved into his I'm-all-talk-no-listen mouth.
'Hey,' he called out loudly, 'get off my property Mr.' He spoke in an half American half Scottish accent which sounded rather funny when you listened to it. 'I build a nice leisure centre that people can enjoy who care 'bouta couple of poxy trees?'
I turned and looked at him solemnly, 'I do,' I thought to myself, 'silly question really.'
'I offer you money?' he cringed as though he was the one that was being blackmailed.
'I don't want your money, I don't want anything. I will never leave.' ...
Click on the eye....
Anya's end to the story
©1999 Porchester Junior School, Nottingham and Kids on the Net