
Letters from Dragonsville

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The Story Scroll
Outside Kids' Castle

Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Dear Samuel,
The first story I ever wrote was a short story about a dragon and a nice human. It was written long before we knew that you humans were friendly again, and that the knights were gone.
I wrote it at school and my teacher said it was a good story, but complete fiction. I guess I could go back and tell him that I was predicting the future! I wonder if I still have it on one of the old dusty scrolls at the back of the cave.....

Dracospeare ()

The Naming Pool
Outside Kids' Castle

Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Dear Giorgina,
You ask me to choose my favourite name, but I couldn't choose just one I'm afraid. Everytime I name a newborn dragon their name becomes my favourite for a while.
I can let you into a secret though, I do like names that sound like jewels best(like my name).

Emerald ()

The Portal of Tidings
Outside Kids' Castle

St Mary's School
Newcastle, UK

Dear Derry,
Time for a break, and to rest my aching feet! Now I can catch up on the letters that have been sent to me.
I deliver the letters by walking around Dragonsville. I used to fly around and that didn't make my feet ache, but one day when I was flying along I was carrying a large present - I think it was a bowling ball - and it slipped out of my post bag and fell straight down to the ground. It didn't hit anyone but the Mayor decided that it would be much safer if I walked around delivering the letters instead.
So, now I walk when I deliver all the letters, and it makes my feet hurt so much that I have to put them into a large bowl of lava when I get home just to make them feel better.

Greentoes ()

The Naming Pool
Outside Kids' Castle

Porchester Junior School
Carlton, Nottingham, UK

Dear Giorgina,
Thanks for the letter. Greentoes has just delivered it to me.
Who was the first dragon that I named? Well, that was such a long time ago. It was just after I took over the Naming Pool duties after Sapphire retired. Gosh, I am having to think really hard.

I remember - it was Dracole, a female dragon. She went on to travel around the world looking for other dragons.

I hope that answers your question Giorgina, and I'm glad that you like our little home. :-)

Emerald ()

The Rock of Knowledge
Outside Kids' Castle

Hilton Primary School
Blakelaw, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England

Dear Class 7/8,
Thanks for your letters, I enjoy reading letters from children all over the world.
We don't play the game of football that you have written to me about, but we have a similar game called 'Flameball'. We use a ball made out of tar and sticks that is set alight. Two teams then try and make the ball go into the oppositions cave to score a point. We don't kick or hit the ball though (and we wouldn't head it as that would be really silly!!) instead we blow flames onto it to make it move. We have a league, and several teams. At the moment the best team is called DV city, but Dragchester United used to be better.
I would like to find out more about your game of football. Would you like to do some research on it, and then send it to me at the Rock of Knowledge. I'm sure the other dragons would like to read about it too.


Libro ()


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