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Do dragons really exist?

From Joseph, 10, Thurlton, Norfolk, England

If dragons didn't exist then Saint George would only be called George. People wouldn't make up stories for nothing.
Chinese believe in dragons.
But nobody has ever seen a Dragon who lives to this day.

From Daisy, 9, Thurlton, Norfolk, UK

I think dragons do exist because they are very rare and sound really wicked.

From Claire, 14, Kent, UK

I think that dragons are real or were at some point. Otherwise where would all the stories come from.
For example the Knights tales. They are too alike to the Chinese idea of dragons, and they are on the other side of the world.
How did the knights stories reach there with a good enough description to match the Knights?

From Bethan, 10, Norfolk, England

I think dragons do exist and those who think other wise are silly.

From Joseph, 10, Thurlton, Norfolk, England

Dragons exist because if they didn't what is the point in having dragons on Saint George's day?

From Becky, 10, Thurlton, Norfolk, England

Personally I do not believe in dragons.
I think that dragons are just fairy tale things.

From The Mayor, 76, Dragonsville

Hi Emma,
I'm glad you like Dragonsville. We like it here too. We hope to see you again soon.
Sam, Stephanie and Daisy - thank you for believing in us. It's nice to know that humans are starting to like us again.

From Emma, 9, Leeds, UK

I like Dragonsville.

From Stephanie, 10, Cedar Park, Texas, US

I think dragons exist because first of all, Chinese people believe in them. What's more is that they believe that dragons are lucky.
Second, if dragons don't or didn't exist, then probably neither would dinosaurs.
Third, I like believing in dragons because they're cool and exciting. They fill up about 1/8 of my imagination, and that's alot of imagination.
Finally, tons of stories are written about dragons, so if dragons are not real, then those stories are a big huge waste of paper. Oh, and Dragonsville wouldn't exist either if dragons weren't real.

From Andrew, 10, Cedar Park,Texas, US

Dragons are said to be myths. They can be as ravenous as wolves and as peaceful as kittens
The possibility of them being real is slim to none. If they were real we would have spotted one by now. Unless no one has believed what they saw.

From Daisy, 9, Bristol

Dragons do exist. In Thailand they have nearly gone from the world.
They are like big lizards, they do not breath fire.

From Lily, 10, Luckwell, Bristol, UK

Dragons, no they dont exist but I believe they used too. All my mates think they dont exist but they all believe they used to exist.
They are so like extinct.
I wish I was a dragon.

From Martine and Jack, 9 and 10, Luckwell, Bristol, UK

Dragons are not true, and they never will be.

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