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Do dragons really exist?

From James and Elliot, 10 and 10, Leicester, Narborough, England

They're not real because, when was the last time you saw a flying, fire breathing shape in the sky?

From Lauren& Yasmine, 9 and 9, Leicester, England

We think that dragons do not exist because they are said to be a myth or legend, and to be able to breath fire. There has never been a creature or animal that has been able to breath fire in generations.

From Liana, 9, Narborough, Leicester, England

Dragons might be real but they might not. If they were real I don't think they would breath fire because it would burn their insides!

From Fay and Ellie, 9 and 10, Leicester, England

We think that dragons do not exist, as they are creatures from myths or legends. Nobody can prove that they are real living things. Dragons are fairy-tale creatures that people wish to be real, but are not.

From Samantha, 9, Jacksonville, Florida, US

I think dragons exist because most of the tales about dragons from long ago are true!

From Jami, 11, Hot Springs, Arkansas, US

I think that dragons don't exist but I'm not saying that they didn't exist in the past. I think that I'll have to keep an open mind on it because the Archeologists haven't found any bones or traces of dragons. If they did or didn't / are or aren't living I would need the facts.

From Broderick, 12, Phoenix, Arizona, US

Dragons do exist. I see one every night, in my dreams.

From Kristen, 13, Pascagoula , Mississippi, US

Do Dragons really exist? I think so. Although nobody knows for sure, Dragons indeed may exist. Let me ask you this: If dragons didn't exist then how did the stories and myths start about these magical creatures? If they didn't exist then what made someone automatically create this story up? Indeed it could just be a story some little kid made up. Or it may be a fairytale a grandparent told their child goodnight but take a deep look and decide.

From Jacob, 12, Williamstown, Vermont, US

I think that dragons really exist because there are many stories that have been around for a long time about dragons. I think that dragons are real because they are related to dinasaurs, which we know existed. How would the people of the Middle Ages get so close to something that actually existed if they did not actually see one?

From Michael, 12, Cheney, Kansas, US

I don't think dragons are really real because scientists have not found any bones of dragons yet.

From Tristain, , Raymore, Missouri, US

Dragons are not real they are really fake.

From Brittany, 13, Marysville, Ohio, US

I think that dragons were really the last dinosours living on this earth.

From Mandy, 13, Mt. Airy, Maryland, US

Ok....dragons may have existed a while ago, but because of all the destruction to forests and mountains, I doubt there are any left, unless there is another world out there somewhere with all the "fairy tale" creatures.
Even if dragons aren't real...they are fun to draw and talk about.

From Melissa, 10, Thorold, Ontario, Canada

Have you ever seen a shadow in your room and could not figure out what it was? It's a dragon, silly!
Of course dragons are real! If dragons weren't real then how would people know so much about them? And if they aren't real then they once were.

From Scott, 10, Corvallis, Oregon, America

I think that it is very possible that dragons exist and are just hiding. I personally think that they do exist and that they are just hiding.

From Alison, 10, Monsey, New York, US

I've read a book all about dragons and it seems like they're real enough! Why don't warriors just go out there and see if there IS such a thing?! Doesn't anyone agree with me?

From Jazmyn, 14, Oceanside, California, US

Dragons do not exist. Everybody knows that!

From Teresa, 10, Nottingham, UK

I think that dragons are real because I've heard stories abot them and they sound pretty real.

From John, 15, Sidney, Montana, US

Dragons should be protected because we would be able to work together in so many ways.

From Audrey, 13, Ramer, Alabama, US

I don't think dragons really exist, because if they did, how come I haven't seen any?

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