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By Gemma, 10, Leeds, UK

Sweetie was born on the 11th of April 1999 and she has just started school. She acts really shy but oh no she's not, she is really loud. Sweeties mum is called Jane and she was born on the 19th of March 1974. Sweetie has a brother who is eight years old, and a sister who is ten years old. Her dad died when she was just a little baby. When she was two years old she learnt to walk and talk. When Sweetie was four the dragon leader started teaching her how to fly. Sweetie got the hang of flying when she was four and a half years old she has been able to fly for half a year.


By Aidan, 11, Leeds,UK

Dopey is a rare breed of dragon, the dummy dragon. Dopey is not very popular in the dragon world.

Dopey lives with his mum [Miss Dopey],his dad [Silly Billy]and his baby sister [Diddy Dopester]and they live in a small cave.

Dopey likes to relax and listen to Drageno [Dragon music]. He also likes to stay in bed on sunday mornings.

Dopey is not very helpful, he's more of a nuisance round Dragonsville because hes always getting in the way.

Dopey is famous for his stuipidness around Dragonsville and has one sworn enemy, known as 'shredder'.


By Shahina, 13, Leusdenthe, The Netherlands

Kezeo is a very friendly dragon. She was born in forestland, but has moved to Dragonsville because people started destroying their homes. There were too many people to fight. So they had to leave. She has lived 3 years here now. And loves reading and playing with her friends. But is really shy. She is so shy that she hardly ever says anything. And her only friends are animals. She doesn’t like that. She always sees other dragons playing together and having fun. Then she feels really lonely and wishes that she had some dragon friends. On the picture you see that she is very sad and is telling the butterfly about it, but the butterfly can't talk back and that makes her feel even worse. Hopefully, someday she will find a true friend.

Brian MacBrien

By Brian, 12, Glasgow, Scotland

Brian likes to fly over loch ness and play his bagpipes. He has a giant suitcase that is covered with stamps from other coutries. He always brings back souvenirs for his family and friends and tries to help around the cave, but he is so strong and well built that he just gets in the way. He gets along very well with other dragons and has a wonderful sense of humor, and he loves to play with the smaller dragons when he's home. Brian is famous because he was the first dragon to fly around the world in less than 2 hours. So far his is still the record.


By Lily, 11, Canton, Cardiff, Wales

Thunder is jumping world champ. He is 4 years of age. His mother died in a fight against an evil emperor called mad hatter. His father is locked away in a dungeon cell because he was thought to be dangerous. He has one older sister who is 8. Thunder likes to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and fizzy pop. He plays hide and go seek and dragon tag.


By Lily, 11, Canton, Cardiff, Wales

Charmer is a shy little dragon who loves everybody. His mum is owned by Buffy the vampire slayer. Charmer is famous for his voice. He likes to eat bacon sandwiches with lots of ketchup in. He is 2 years old and has a baby brother who is called simba. His dad is a great warrior who has won his every fight. Even though Charmer looks like a wimp he is a really good fighter and is a charmer with the ladies. That is one reason he is called Charmer. He has really polite manners.

Cute Sally

By Helen, 8, Newtown, Pensylvania, US

Cute Sally was a young, two year old dragon that lived in Dragonsville. She was born in the year of 1460. Her parents had 12 baby dragons, and Cute Sally was the third oldest. She was yellow, had small, rainbow wings, a cute, orange tummy, and light green hair.
Playing with her brothers and sisters was one of her favorite things to do.Cute Sally loved to play hide and seek and dragon tag.
Taking a nap, she did not like at all. She was rather shy. She had dreamed about being a gifted story teller. Febuary 2 was her third birthday.She got a book of poems and songs. Her brothers, sisters, and parents enjoyed hearing her read. As she got older, she shared stories with her whole village. When she was 28, her stories became famous. Now, she has four grandchildren, and loves sharing stories with them!

Cutie pie

By Elisa, 11, Marion, Indiana, US

Cutie pie is a sweet caring dragon in the community. Cutie pie loves to sing she also does her best in the classroom to make sure she gets good grades.

Cutie pie might be a little mean somtimes but that is mostly because she is defensive and wants to be left right where she is.

Cutie pie doesn't get around much although even if she wanted to she wouldn't. The reason for this is that she wants to stay in hiding, singing her magical tunes to anyone who hears her.

She also helps out around Dragonville after school. But she truly doesn't like the attenion.


By Tatilia, 7, UK

Shyla is a very friendly dragon. She lives in the middle of Dragonsville. Her best friend is called Matteo. They like to go to visit the straght tower of Dragonsville. She is my friend.


By David, 6, Hawaii

Fire likes to protect Dragonville with his fire. If anyone is lost he will use his flames to light their way. He likes to kick rocks for fun. He goes to school and plays with his friends and learns lots. He has a brother and sister. His favorite food is burnt dragon sandwiches with dragon sauce. He will be a guardian for Dragonsville when he grows up.


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