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By Kendra, 9, Canada

Rose is aged 6. She loves to pick flowers. Her favorite flower is the red rose.
Her moms name is Melly and her dads name is Joe. She has one sister named Sweety.
Rose lives by a lake in Dragonsville. In the summer Rose likes swimming in her lake. Rose goes to school at Dragon School. She is very good at maths and grammar. Rose has 3 friends; Lovely,Tish and Tesa.
Roses birthday is July 16th. On her last birthday she got a beautiful bouquet of roses from her mom and dad. Her bedroom is filled with roses. She sleeps with a rose.

William Dragontooth the 3rd

By Amber, 9, West Hartford, Conneticut, US

William is the wisest dragon in all Dragonsville. He is also the most eldest. He is 104 years old. Everybody is William's friend. They know they can trust him. William loves to read and write. He has been all around Dragonsville. He was the first dragon to travel through time with a time portal that he made himself, so he knows all about dragon history and knows what it will be like for dragonkind in the future. Willam has also written books and sometimes is a subsitute (supply teacher) dragon. The young dragons love it when he comes to teach them. They are always on their best behaviour for him. Willam has a wife, 3 grown dragons and 7 granddragons. William is invited to every single party and event in Dragonsville. William is very kind and generous and loves to play with all the young dragons.


By Kevin, 10, Mississauga , Ontario, Canada

Maestro has been to many places, like Camelot. Once he was in a phase where he thought he was the Pied Piper. He drove all the rats out of Camelot. He got his violin out of Lady Sherwood's dresser drawer.
He is blue and orange. The blue represents peace and goodness, and the orange represents great musical enthusiasm.

Death Liger

By Aaron, 10, Toronto, Canada

Death Liger was born in 1963. His mother and father abandoned him when he was 5 years old. He was found by a nice and gentle hunter and he was given to the hunters son for his 10 birthday.
He married a careful dragon named Meya and had a baby boy. His name was Myoga and he grew up as the best of them all!


By Christine, 11, Poole, Dorset, England

Musiann is a well known musician. Her talents have made her famous all over Dragonsville. She has been asked to play in concerts all over her country. She practises hard on her scales but finds her aurals hard. Her favourite musician is Musiban Guhaster, a famous composer. If you want to buy a ticket to go to her concerts you may find a leaflet around town.

Pop Claw

By Brian, 9, Vermont, USA

Pop Claw is an old, yet very active, eighty year old dragon.
Pop Claw likes to go hunting for Red Slice-Clawed Raptors which are very dangerous prey. The three main reasons he hunts this dangerous prey is for meat, for fun, and also to protect a lot of other kinds of dragons which are smaller and are often victims to the Red Slice-Clawed Raptors.
His friends include Fire Breath, Fire Breath II, and Water Slicer.
Before he came to Dragonsville, he lived in the far off country of the Red Fang, the Blue Scaled, and the Purple Striped dragons. He's gotten along with MOST dragons except for five of them - the Black Dragon, the Wizard Many-Winged Dragon, Water Slicer III, and the Purple Spike Brothers - Fire Blaster and Ice Water.
This dragon is famous in Dragonsville for his bravery, skill, loyalty, and he is one of the only four dragons that came from the land of the purple-spiked, red-fanged, and blue-scaled dragons.


By Kaitlyn and Kathryn, 9, Copperas Cove, Texas, US

Smokey is a 14 year old dragon who is a chimney cleaner. Even though he is only 14, he already owns his own business. Smokey likes to eat the hardest rocks in Dragonsville. The rock are only found in the southeast part of the rainforest in Dragonsville. Besides cleaning chimneys, Smokey likes to play Dragon Hawks and soccer. Smokey's mom is over protective and likes to follow everywhere. His dad uses a hot air balloon to look for humans! He has 16 sisters, two of them are Sweetums and Magic Marie. He also has two brothers, one of them being Jazz. In his spare time he hangs out with his favorite brother, Jazz. They play Dragon Hawks and other sports together.


By Sarah, 11, Bedford, UK

Dizzy is 6ft tall, but not dangerous or horrible. He is kind and very gentle. He is found in Colour Forest. Colour Forest cannot be found as it is invisible in a part where only some special, caring selcted people know about.
He has big, blue, kind eyes and is a lovely green and yellow colour, he is one of the rarest dragons you can find, as he is one of only 5 Berugian Dragons.
The average age the Berugian Dragon live up to is 68 years old. In their life 1 year to us equals two years to them.
Dizzy is caring and if you ever meet him (which will be quite rare) don't be scared he wants to be friends. The only time a Berugian Dragon will vicious is when someone is threatening them, then they can be potentionally dangerous!


By Celena, 10, Copperas,Cove Texas, US

Pete loves music. He is 12 years old and plays the violin to the Mayor, to ease her stress. He has no friends but he has his brothers and sisters.
His parents are so proud of him. His mom stays home and at the house and cooks, and his dad is a dragonlaywer. Pete hopes someday to be a professional musician. Pete loves to be around with his older brother. They play games in his spare time.
Pete has 9 brothers and 7 sisters, and is also related to Ace. He loves Ace and teaches her alot of things about music. His parents are thinking of buying a new cave.


By Kathryn, 9, Copperas Cove, Texas, US

Sweetums is a lovable dragon who lives in the richest part of Dragonsville. Even though her house isn't very big at all, it's still in that part of town. Sweetums has a brother who is 2 years younger than her and two older twin sisters. She also has a mom and a dad. They are all a big happy family. The twins are going off to dragon college and Sweetums will be starting at Dragonsville high school. She is 15 years old. She likes roses and sitting in hammocks. She's not really into sports because she's not that athletic.


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